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Indiana Next on the Chopping Block

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George Takei has set his sights on Indiana and the new discriminatory bill just passed by the Republican controlled state legilature. It's very similar to the recent bill vetoed by the Arizona Governor. Just thought everyone would be interested.


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We are seeing a backlash to the gay marriage wins all over the country.

This isn't the first "religious freedom" law to pass but it is the ugliest in its language.

I saw a facebook posting stating that all of the big GenCon events (a giant sci-fi convention) would be moved out of state or canceled.

Similar moves are underway with companies that don't want to expose their employees or customers to discrimination.

This whole mess is headed for the supreme court.

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There are many athletic organizations headquartered in Indianapolis. Not only is the NCAA involved, but the Big Ten has their football conference playoff game there, and the NFL has headquarters there. Should all sports activities be withdrawn, the state would lose millions and millions of dollars.

This bill was a really stupid decision by a minority that is denying the mood of the country and trying their best to hold back the advances of time.


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I saw this in a comment on a post that listed what might happen now that the Indiana so-called "Religious Freedom" law passed, and I think it's very funny:

Irony: how the right is wrong on everything.

Colin :icon_geek:

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I saw this in a comment on a post that listed what might happen now that the Indiana so-called "Religious Freedom" law passed, and I think it's very funny:

Irony: how the right is wrong on everything.

Colin :icon_geek:

The corollary to this is, of course, that the Left is never right on anything.

It is sadly, not always the truth, but I'd rather have a Left that wasn't always correct, than a Right which is always conservative.

Politically speaking the understanding of the philosophy behind the duality of left and right is psychologically misconstrued to the point where the rule of law is corrupted for the benefit of the rich and powerful.

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Politically speaking the understanding of the philosophy behind the duality of left and right is psychologically misconstrued to the point where the rule of law is corrupted for the benefit of the rich and powerful.

Often by both the left and right these days. Unfortunately, money talks.

Colin :icon_geek:

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I think Indiana is going to start to feel the backlash quite quickly. I have just received the agenda for a council meeting of events management team of a body I'm involved with. Sorry as I am not an official spokesman for them and this has not yet been made official I cannot identify them. However, the agenda notes have the following statement in them:

In matters arising it is proposed that the short list approved for the venue of our 2016 biannual conference should be amended to remove Indianapolis from the short list of possible venues given recent legislation in Indiana that may provide a basis for discrimination against a section of those likely to attend.

What was interesting was that this was tagged with the identifier of a group of members based in Indiana.

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Very whimsical, but it misidentifies the intent of the law. The intent isn't so all gay people can be identified and discriminated against as a class. The intent is that business people in Indiana can discriminate against only the select few they wish to so hector. It's discrimination at its finest, picking and choosing whom to bully.

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I have very mixed feelings about the RFRA acts that 28 states and the Federal government have passed.

If a farmer takes his pigs to an establishment owned by a Muslim, can the Muslim refuse to butcher them?

If a Jewish bakery is asked to decorate a cake with 'Happy Birthday, Hitler', can the bakery refuse?

If a state passes as law outlawing the use of peyote, can a Native American be arrested for using it in a tribal ceremony -- of course, that is the actual case that triggered the Federal RFRA act.

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The Governor of Arkansas, responding of the furor from the Indiana law, refused to sign the similar bill his legislature passed.


The Governor of Arkansas is a wise man. And even if he isn't wise, he's politically astute.

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