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Family Heirloom

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Family Heirloom by Nigel is another well-told tale with a twist at the end. Another riveting tale by a master storyteller. Nigel writes stories that capture the imagination and are a joy to read. Find it here:



Well cited! An excellent read. I knew if Cole Parker gave it the thumbs up it had to be soecial and it was. Loved it!

Thanks Nigel and thanks Cole!

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Yes a very soecial story...

I'm reminded of wise advice I was given by a teacher (there wasn't much of it, so what there was I remember to this day). He'd asked me what I would do for a living and he was the music teacher so clearly hoped I would do something musical. I knew my skills were not up to earning a living from music performance, but I was also good at English, so I suggested maybe I could be a music critic. He said just one thing: "Well, try to be kind."

If only the young critic in the story had been taught my my music teacher.

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Nigel writes a fine little story here about fakes in the art world. I was attracted by the detail of how the whole scam was put together. That took some intelligent research...unless of course Nigel has a secret background of forging art works. I always wondered what he did in his off time between stories. Keep smiling, Nigel.

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Yes a very soecial story...

I'm reminded of wise advice I was given by a teacher (there wasn't much of it, so what there was I remember to this day). He'd asked me what I would do for a living and he was the music teacher so clearly hoped I would do something musical. I knew my skills were not up to earning a living from music performance, but I was also good at English, so I suggested maybe I could be a music critic. He said just one thing: "Well, try to be kind."

If only the young critic in the story had been taught my my music teacher.

Oh that is priceless. You were quite the smart alex weren't you? I believe the british would call that a bit of cheek. lol

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I always liked a little cheek in a man. lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

For some reason, "the great Simon Charles Seymoure, doyen of the art world, master of the quick quip" reminded me instantly of the character Anton Ego, feared restaurant critic, in the movie "Ratatouille." And just as Anton Ego would have been mortified to learn that his exquisite meal had been prepared by a prodigy of a rat, it must have been supreme retribution for James to watch his late lover's artful mimicry capture so thoroughly the elite and moneyed (and pretentious) art world. And it was even more artful because, as far as I can tell, nothing James said was not literally truthful . . . at least so far as it went.

Another terrific tale of justice served.


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I have a suspicion that Simon Charles Seymoure is actually based on somebody Nigel knows. The description fits him exactly. Somehow I suspect there is a lot more 'truth' in this story than first meets the eye. Nigel spent some years in the antique and art business and still does some auctioneering. On the occasions when I have been at a dinner party where he has been a guest he has recounted some interesting insights into the shadier sides of those worlds.

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