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Everything posted by Lugnutz

  1. Try the south. They have words you never knew about.
  2. That's what happens when the author gives it all at once. Threw me off too.
  3. I'll consider this as an update to my condition. I'm as broke as can be, but I'm happy. My landlord is beyond grateful, but they are still needing rent. I've had a little help, but not near enough. I know many people are in a bad place too. I am extremely grateful to those that have helped and continue to help. Every little bit helps. That has been proven many times. Little things add up. But, I can't let a single person help me. I appreciate his help immensely, but am looking for help for him. I well know that there are people who are in just as tight of a place as I am. Everyone does what they have to to get by. I don't know if it is the medication that gave me a new, positive outlook on life or if it is a change of mind and attitude that did it, but I am glad and happy for it. I've been very black the last few years and this is like a breath of fresh air. I think I will always need help of some type and I found that I won't lose my man card asking. More fresh air.
  4. Getting old can be fun. Everyday you get a scavenger hunt.
  5. This seemed like more of a life story and that you're not alone.
  6. If girls can play in the guys sports, why can't guys play in girls sports?
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