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Everything posted by Lugnutz

  1. There is a problem with chapter one of book four (Chapter forty three). There are places where the text is hidden. I highlight it to read it.
  2. Lugnutz

    Open Call

    There should be a description in the story. I'm in for one once it's printed.
  4. Cold shower Bruin, cold shower. Welcome aboard Colin! We're not insane here, just nuts...........
  5. According to my brother who quit 6 years ago, they don't totally go away. Could try cigars. Or dip.
  6. Nah, he quit cold turkey. It was cheaper than quitting ham. BTW, where are the zombies? Isn't the world supposed to end again?
  7. Been there, done that. Years ago, one boss threw me money to get a pack and quit being a crabby pain in the ass. One good thing, I'm going thru a pack every 2-3 days. Been wanting to quit again (Happens every few years) but things get stressful and a smoke helps relax a fuzz especially at work. Think a problem out. Don't quit quitting.
  8. Ahhh.......... British humor. Humour perhaps?
  9. He couldn't steer with both hands. Where was he going to put his beer?
  10. That would mean you would have to dust off other projects. We can't have that can we?
  11. I wonder if they're just focusing on black/white marriages or is any other race up for grabs. Figuring it's Mississippi would give a idea how this question came about. Me, I don't care about the race of the people.
  12. I had the same problem here, neither the main page or the forum worked. I was in the middle of a story when I couldn't get the next chapters. That didn't last long so all is well.
  13. I'm a little late for the party, but I finally read it. Before ch10 I wanted to strangle the VP and Geoff, after ch10 it's a deserved handshake and a pat on the back to start. There was a couple surprises, one being the VP's family. +2 on the nailgun. Hopefully they were the spiral coated type, good for infections and can be tough to get out. If you haven't read it, do so along with the rest of Cole's catalog. You won't find it boring.
  14. Yes my master. EDIT: Just read it. Cole was right, as usual.
  15. I don't think Cole has it in him to turn out a so-so story. Kind of reminds me of his story "Courage". Good job old bean. My hat's off to you.
  16. It sounds vaguely familiar. Any idea where you may have found it?
  17. Interesting read. It looks like many years have passed from beginning to end. The end was a surprise. Good work!
  18. Canada also spawned Nickleback, but I'll forgive that since I like the band.
  19. Dang Canadians. All they do is drink beer and play hockey.
  20. Now cricket. There's a game. Another sport I have no idea what's going on...................
  21. Same here. I don't do sports anyway.
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