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Everything posted by Lugnutz

  1. Learn something new everyday. Guess I need to read that again.
  2. I'm going thru this story yet again. Keep finding things I missed before. Like this pax pas from chapter 49, about halfway: Quickly slipping on the sandals and securing the cape, Giovanni headed for the door, moving ahead of Charles and the other red and black angel. Then there is this near the end of the same chapter: Yet here I stood before the Council of Houses in my short tunic, worn thin and soiled during my hasty journey to the abbey, ripped and torn from my rescue of Jonathan, and spotted with blood from the bonding ceremony. I noticed the cold marble floor against the soles of my feet, and realized that Charles and Nic had taken me from my salon so quickly that I?d never even put on my sandals. Now I stood, as the Wizard of Icaria, barefoot, dressed in torn and dirty clothes before those I?d been commanded to govern. A little oopsie perhaps? Still a great read.
  3. No. Your breed is impossible. You keep stealing my cookies...........
  4. I'm old. I think all apply but I forgot the list................
  5. I build big toys, some a work of art in my opinion. Writing? Ehh.......
  6. And the 4 interlude chapters? Is he going to finish book 2 before his next siesta? Inquiry minds wanna know.
  7. I've read everything up to The Mondale many times. I keep finding stuff I missed before. I've read The Mondale once, what was there and decided to leave that part alone till it was done. Think I'll read it again..............
  8. I wanted to put something down, but I'm drawing a friggin blank. I don't have the problem with readers wanting to hang out with me or anything else for that matter. Just don't lock yourself into a certain type of person, computer geek, artsy guy, flamboyant type or whatever you have on the want list because they might well be a twit or someone who you can't deal with in any form. Personally, I would like someone who is completely different than I am. Cars? Just transportation, nice car bits? Why? There will be common ground with the other if there is enough time spent with them. What was the question again? Just do what you're comfortable with.
  9. I might be looking for a editor for my drivel known as Mechanics 101. I'm currently re-writing book one to help flow with the current stuff and expand on some parts. If you are chosen, We can hammer out the details the job entails. It'll be long hours and little sleep, but the bonus is the pay sucks. Send a PM if interested. Gracias my faithful minions.
  10. I put pj's down cuz sweat pants weren't on the list.
  11. I'd say something about a teenager kinda down on his luck that eventually finds someone who understands him, but something happens along the way that changes things be it near death, attempted suicide, but he finds something worth living for waiting for him once things level off. Not necessarily dark, light or anything. Could be happy or not so happy. Where do you want it to go? Where do you want it to start?
  12. We don't hate you. I really want to have you over for dinner some night. I'll set a special place for you.
  13. Poor baby, want your binky? I pick on you and you fill my shoes. Payback perhaps?
  14. And here's something completely different. youtube
  15. The end was the best. The rest was painful.
  16. I was going to have to check your gay card, til I got to the last line.
  17. Excellent news!! Glad he is doing better. Stuff like this just takes time. I can wait till the new chapters are ready.
  18. I like raccoons alot. Especially between two slices of bread covered in gravy. If you know where that line comes from, you get a gold star. I crack myself up..........
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