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Everything posted by Camy

  1. Camy


    Which promps the reply: go and dip your toes IOMFATS has some very good authors. D'Artagnon writes fantasy. It's very good - if you like fantasy - though I'd start with 'Coupe'. Jack Rowan is amazing, though I'm not sure I'd be terribly happy entering his world, and I'm actually quite glad I don't know Tol. Mike Arram is excellent!
  2. Ah! You're the one that stands in the corner with the white coat and clipboard.
  3. Wonderful, Jason, wonderful! Thank you muchly,Camy
  4. Ouch! Damn ... Oh, I say! Spiders. I don't like spiders, so it's lucky I won't need their 'services': http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6625397.stm Apparently Pandas don't require spiders either: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/6625789.stm Then there are Goats marrying men ... or were: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6623895.stm I had to dust off the time machine to find a Wibby tale: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2336797.stm Phew! Luckily no Emus are in the news!
  5. Camy

    Trust on-line

    erm ... one, actually. You. Or two, if you count Jason of Friday the 13th *shudders* You make a good point, Jason. From now on, when I meet people in real life I'll introduce myself as 'Camy Emu'. That way I'll be safe no matter what! :smartass:Hmm. There is nothing safe about life. If you offer even a little bit of 'yourself' to public scrutiny, be it music, poetry, fiction, whatever; then the chance of some nutcase finding it objectionable increase. The rise of the web is changing society, as television did. Where it all ends is a mystery, though I think the alternate persona we all seem to have to take on can't, in the long run, be healthy.
  6. Visual poetry! Excellent, Des. Spike Milligan (The Goons) is probably my favourite exponent, though it's his humour more than than the visual side I like. He'd have like yours, I think.
  7. Jake ?the Ferret? by Camy I could curse you! I could - but I won't; For I love you much more than Jake ?the Ferret? loves Bobby, his Stoat. Down the trousers, up the tunnel Commonality?s we both share: Though Jake's are real, and mine just dreams, He doesn't worry if people stare. He doesn't mind if people whisper, He doesn't mind if people scream; Jake's singularly single minded, Heap dead Rabbits - his only dream. I'm far too shy, and he's born to kill; A big difference I'll freely allow. Though guys are better than Rabbits, And alive in bed - not dead, I'll avow. --- I have not the vaguest idea where this came from, though I have seen several Mink recently. A few nights ago I saw two baby Badgers. They were waddling up the middle of the lane, and I had to follow them slowly 'cause they were panicking, unsure where to go. Cuteness personified.!
  8. Camy

    Trust on-line

    Thank you for the salutary comments.Camy I will remain.
  9. Camy

    Trust on-line

    I'd like it if I could assign more than one category to a post. It would be peachy, because this might well end up being claptrap as well, and possibly include a whine or two. So. Trust is the most important part of any relationship, be it in real life or in the relationships we have with people we are never likely to meet. There are people here I like, there are people here I admire, but as far as trust goes is it right, or indeed safe, to open up and be truthful about who I am. Stupid question really. The answer has to be no, but I'm asking it nevertheless. I always tend to trust first and then be very disappointed when the trust I've given is thrown back in my face. Ultimately, as humanity spends more and more time on-line, the question of trust is going to become more important. Can you have meaningful relationships with people in cyberspace? Can you open up to a bunch of similar minded people without fear of recrimination? Can one come out from behind a pen name and say 'This is who I really am'? My muse is saying yes, do it! I'm not so sure.
  10. The fates stepping in sounds about right. I dunno what you were about to say, but I'm probably glad you didn't ... On the other hand it might have been entertaining! ;)The problem with 'relationships' on-line is that we're bereft of the majority of the senses that we rely on so heavily in real conversation. Watching body language, tone of voice etc. Often people who think they are being frightfully witty (me, for instance) come off as being utter twats, and humour changes vastly depending where you're from.
  11. Camy

    Time zones

    Hahahahaha!Thank you!
  12. Camy

    Time zones

    I'm UK, She's Pacific coast which is 8 hrs ... behind. I'm also impatient - yes, I know, a terrible failing, but I can't do a lot about it. If only we didn't have broadband, telephones and cars I'd be happy tiling the land with a horse and writing on parchment with a quill. Me too! It a royal pain. 'cept you do get to sleep in for an extra hour once a year! Yay!!! I hadn't thought about heat loss. The next time I see a slug I'll hand it a large bill. It won't have the cash to pay and thus will have to leave. A good and worthy plan, I think.---- Fabulous plot for a story!
  13. Camy

    Time zones

    Yes. Though I like to think of it as 'purloined for the betterment of mankind'. There's not a lot I can do about it.这里上演着快乐,洋溢着健康,满载着你的喜怒哀乐。教堂路西街,华裔同志网上家园-(页 1) - 英语沙龙 - ■教堂路西街■ I can't read what it says, though the text of the story (The Millrace) remains in engrish. ;)
  14. Camy

    Time zones

    Time zones. I don't like them. They are there to annoy. I suppose I should be honest. If the world revolved around the time zone I was in I wouldn't mind so much: having to think about them would still irritate, but I'd cope. BUT having an editor who lives eight hours behind is just ... well bloody inconvenient. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change her for all the tea in China (hmm...). Let me re-phrase. For all the tea in China - which I would sell and then be able to pay her a vast salary and re-location fee, I'd be daft not to. Ho hum. It's not going to happen. I can't see the Chinese being so foolish. Although saying that, one of my stories has been 'taken' and put up on a site that might possibly be Chinese. Anyway. Time zones are not my favourite thing. Neither are slugs. They keep sqidging through the bottom of the back door and 'frightening the horses'. Treading on a slug in the middle of the night whilst half asleep is not to be recommended.
  15. So what was the editors pick for December?
  16. I've added a new category 'Claptrapish' This is for claptrap that has marginally more ... erm ... possibilities than straight common or garden Claptrap. Here's an example: Astrology. Believe? No. No proof; but it can be entertaining. http://www.freewillastrology.com/horoscopes/aries.html Aries March 21st - April 19th '"If you hold your dreams too tightly, you'll crush their little ribs," was the message scrawled on the wall of a public restroom I visited today. I immediately recognized that as excellent advice for you. While I'm usually all in favor of cultivating a ferocious devotion towards one's goals and desires, I've noticed lately that your grasp on yours has turned into a manic clench. Please let them breathe better. Give them some slack. Maybe tell yourself a joke about how funny you look applying that death-grip.' Totally meaningless, but entertaining = Claptrapish.
  17. Camy

    Too many blogs

    Ah, you must remember that compared to most hoomanse Emu's have vast brains. Through manipulation of space-time we are able to appear feathered and dorky, but actually we look more like twelve legged Hippos.
  18. Camy

    Dan Kirk

    Apologies to all. I seem to remember that 'Mists of Fate' was re-titled 'The Wreckers' and is the first part of 'The Shapers Chronicles' which is for sale at Lulu.com http://www.lulu.com/browse/book_view.php?fCID=133229 Camy An Emu of little brain.
  19. Read them all, loved them. Damn hard choice, though finally I voted yesterday.Camy
  20. Camy

    Too many blogs

    Wow! What a lot of comments. Me, most chuffed. Thanke chaps. Or, more personally: thanks Jason, Trab, Des, and Wibbeeeeeeeee. You have now become my inaugural commentators (or should that be commenters? Hmm.) If I win huge, vast, otherworldly sums on the lottery it'll mean a biannual party on my yacht in the Caribbean. If I don't, it won't. I learnt it from my dad, so he's to blame ... but then aren't all dads?Here's a concise explanation fromhttp://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-non3.htmThe full expression no names, no pack drill seems to have been of First World War origin, but has survived the punishment itself. It means that if nobody is named as being responsible, then nobody can be punished, the point being that in some situation or other it?s wisest not to name the person being discussed.'splanation enough?
  21. Camy

    Too many blogs

    It's taken me an age to decide to blog here. Dunno why I am really, except secretly I like a lot of the people who hang here, more than a lot of people who hang elsewhere I blog. No names, no packdrill. Which is a very silly cliche. I'm trying to be more positive. I spend a lot of time bemoaning my lot, and tend to forget that I'm really quite well to do compared with others, even though I only have three pairs of jeans in comparison to some who possess more. Then Jeans do not maketh the man. Broadband speed maketh the man these days. That and how big your laptop is. Under those rules I'm not a man at all as I live too far away to get fast DSL and don't have a laptop. It's sad. Very sad. Why is it that it's always greener elsewhere? Blog, blog, blog. I think that's enough for now. Oh. No. News. That's what blogs are for - on occasion. So: I've up-loaded six spoken pieces of 'poetry'. Which can be found here should you be so inclined. Performing is not easy, as you'll probably hear. Singing is much easier than speaking. Finally (clears throat nervously), on this inaugural occasion I must thank the Dude. After all, it's only polite. AD rocks, as do those who reside here.
  22. I've recorded and uploaded six poems for your ... erm, um ... delectation. TR, our wondrous Rabbit, tried to help, and the ones that sound (to me) the best were read after his input. Many thanks to el Dude for his help too. I hope you like them! Let me know. Cheers all, Camy
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