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Tanuki Racoon

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Everything posted by Tanuki Racoon

  1. I know many of you don't read the blogs, so a brief excerpt here. My cat has been ill for 13 days. I visited last visited her Wednesday 3 December. During that visit, Scooter told me it was time, but I didn?t say anything to anyone because I was waiting for final word to make sure. The tumour doesn?t need a biopsy. It?s malignant and there are signs it?s spreading. There is no surgical option, there is not chemotherapy option, and there is no radiation option. I asked the doctor if we could bring Scooter home for her final moments, and normally the doctor doesn?t do that. But she would have been willing for me as a special favour except it?s very painful for her to be moved. She just hurts too much where the tumour is pressing into her nerves. Scooter has been with me since about 1987 when she moved in and adopted me -- she was between 1 and 2 years old. That?s how me and her primary vet arrived at her age. This has been really hard on me. Scooter is my best friend. I love her more than anyone. I?d find this a lot easier to do to a person than to my cat. If you?re a pet owner, you get this. This hurts more than I can explain. I?m dying inside. ---- Today, it was time. I tried really hard not to totally collapse. I failed. This was definitely the hardest thing I ever had to do. I went in, and did all the paperwork. I was doing okay until they gave me a choice of urns to select. That?s when I started to cry. I went back and visited Scooter in her holding cell. The original plan was to take one last photo of me and kitty. Neither one of us was in any shape to have a photo. So there isn?t one. She knew. She knew I knew. After brushing her, they picked her up, along with all her bedding as it was the safest way to move her. I would have carried her except at the point I was in bad shape. They kept asking if I was sure I could do this. The answer was no, but I said ?I?m going to try.? In the room, I totally broke down and wailed ?I can?t do this? but I held on to Scooter. The vet explains there would be a pink injection and then a yellow one, and it?s over in about 90 seconds. ?She?s gone,? the vet said. She never closed her eyes, the whole time and I never let go. Then I ran out the door and drove home. I hate life right now. I miss her so much. In Pace Requiscat.
  2. I agree. It seems the sex acts at English Boarding Schools is legendary. But I wonder if that's a bygone era?
  3. I'm right handed because everyone should add that detail to your long-form reply. I discovered it when I was a kid of around 12 quite by accident. I was sheltered then -- and it was well before the joy of the Internet. I was in the shower, and I was adjusting the water getting ready to flick it from "tub" to "shower" mode. I bent over to pick up soap, or unplug the drain, or something (don't remember), and the water coming out of the spigot hit me just in the right spot and I was like "OH! WOW!" It went very well and I wasted lots of water over the next few days. I finally figured out I didn't need the water and I could do it in bed. I ruined lots of underwear, let me tell you. It got better once I found out you could use something to reduce friction. It was my "dirty secret" and I never told anyone about it. Back then I never really thought about anything except how good it felt and how fast I could make it happen again. I was much older before I realized if you thought about someone it was even better. There. A true raccoon story.
  4. I've decided to create a comprehensive masturbation survey. I wanted to ask many more questions but I'm only allowed three. If you're brave you can share details here. This is similar to a previous question I asked, but we have many new members. And it was a popular subject. Everyone here seems to like my surveys and it's been awhile, so I thought I'd give your hands something to do.
  5. It was, indeed a great story. I wrote DR and told him so.
  6. I will improve my purchasing habits. Promise.
  7. If they want to be stupid, it is their choice.
  8. No, it's multi-religion. The the owner is very religious, yes, but he doesn't care what religion you are (or none). However, I would support eHarmony. They do not advertise themselves in any way except a M<-->F dating site. It's their target market. I hope the suit fails. Sorry but it's just stupid. Get over it And do as Drewbie says: find a site that wants you. Not sure WHY eHarmony cares? The matches are all the same except checking the gender of the partner. It should be easy to do.
  9. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=32387329669 Excerpts: We are calling for a nationwide strike and economic boycott by all members of our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community AND OUR STRAIGHT ALLIES on December 10th, 2008, International Human Rights Day. WHY SHOULD WE DO IT? Because LGBT workers, business owners, consumers and taxpayers contribute over $700 billion to the U.S. economy each year and should not be treated as second class citizens. Because general strikes and economic boycotts are a powerful weapon in the history of non-violent protests. See http://www.pbs.org/now/society/boycott.html. For many of those protesters, their actions came at a cost, but we must be willing to make sacrifices to fight for equal rights, including the right to marry. Because marriage should be a Right for all Americans, regardless of gender, race OR religion. Because until ALL are equal, NONE are equal. WHAT SHOULD WE DO? Strike: call in gay, shut down your business, take the day off. Boycott: don't buy anything or spend money. Participate: visit www.daywithoutagay.org for a list of volunteer and/or protest opportunities. Communicate: we need everyone's support! Our co-sponsors include: JOINTHEIMPACT.COM DAYWITHOUTAGAY.ORG DAYWITHOUTAGAY.NET GAYS ON STRIKE (on Facebook) WHY THE NAME "A DAY WITHOUT GAYS"? The name was inspired by the film A DAY WITHOUT A MEXICAN and the nationwide strike in 2006 called A DAY WITHOUT IMMIGRANTS, protesting proposed immigration laws.
  10. Rick, dear, most zealots are hypocrites and adhere to only the parts of their doctrine that suits them eschewing the rest.
  11. If you see my post at CW you will find out more, and will also see how they got your name. Dude has been emailed instructions on how to fix it before it happens again.
  12. I wish to defend Mr. Fleming. Quite frankly he's not a great author, but he's a good, serviceable author. And he made a character for the ages. Everyone, and I mean, everyone knows James Bond. So no matter what anyone thinks, it worked. Honestly, he writes a bit dry but it's not bad. I read most of his oeuvre and liked it okay. Some were quite better than others.
  13. I just read this. Another great work by Mr. Parker. I didn't even notice it had snuck in whilst I was away. Just read it straight through in one sitting. Once again he pulls together an engaging story and characters you just want to take home and keep for your own. Do I have complaints? Just the ongoing one that I've never met these totally understanding parents who have such great relationships with their teens. I'm sure they must exist somewhere outside of Cole's stories, but I don't know anyone who's actually MET them :) Seriously, though, I think this is a worthy addition to his collection of Teen stories.
  14. It's spam. They're evil. I got several today. They also sent them to all the CodeysWorld folks. How fucking irresponsible do you have to be to send emails like that to kids who may not even be out? Or send emails to work addresses? And so on. Just insane. They were kind enough to send me three copies, none of which I asked for. That's just totally unacceptable. If you feel as strongly as I do, send 'em a note from their website. I know I will. I also request that Des move this from the Staff room to a public area. People need to be warned that this is NOT the kind of group you want to give your personal details to. They have NO CONCERN for your privacy. They harvested your names from message boards and who knows where else. BAD PEOPLE. My two cents. I posted a much longer and testier version (including results of site inspection) at CodeysWorld in the announcement area. BE WARNED.
  15. Richard Norway. At your age you should at least know that much.
  16. I write until I'm done. My editors will send stuff back with "needs more detail here" and then I put it in. I'm trying to get my story and message out there. Clean up is secondary. If the story is shite, the content is irrelevant. It's a delicate balance to keep from boring your reader with too much detail and from scaring him off with a spartan boring tale. I work on 2 to 3 chapters at a time. There is NO RIGHT ANSWER to this question.
  17. Tell Blue he can't masturbate or achieve any orgasm until it's done. That'll speed it up.
  18. I have a complaint -- a serious one. I'm not sure if it's fixable. In the OLD way of viewing blogs, we saw the current post and date of the post (which we see now) But we also saw the last comment date and thread. I always went and read everyone's comments too. Now I can't without manually opening each blog. Which I will not do. Is there a way to bring back that item?
  19. Dude, I'm proud of you. I really didn't think you had that in you. I thought for sure you'd go for the boyfriend over the right thing. I misjudged you.I'm willing to bet that you'll find a lot more if you keep looking. I've actually been a victim of "tip theft" and I report it to the CC company. I've been told that if they get enough complaints, they stop letting the restaurant take credit cards.You did the right thing. You also found out Mark is a thief. And he cares only about himself. If he cared about you, he'd never steal from where you worked and then put you in such a shit position. YAY YOU :)
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