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Cole Parker

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Everything posted by Cole Parker

  1. Now that's great! Reptile dysfunction. Genius. Come to think of it, my snake doesn't change color, either. Maybe its got the same thing.
  2. I appreciate the supportive words, everyone. Thanks. c
  3. If I didn't leave some typos, what would guys have to do? It's a sop. C
  4. So glad you liked it, Gee. I love your writing and just wish there was more of it. You're sense of humor shines. Oh, wait, that should be 'humour', shouldn't it? C
  5. Thanks, Oliver. I liked that ending, too. Made me happy! C
  6. Saw it. Read the book, too. Book was better, but the film wasn't bad. While we're just chatting, I do have another recommendation. It's a book I just read, and is a very good one. A YA book, and only very peripherally gay, but I strongly support it. Much better than many in the YA universe. It's The Boy Most Likely To written by Huntley Fitzpatrick. I can't imagine anyone being disappointed. C
  7. An Awesome new story at AwesomeDude. Tomorrow. Don't miss it. Get it? Missing. Don't miss it? Well, I tried. C
  8. Thanks, guys. A fun write. I should have another short story out soon. C
  9. When it first showed up on Netflix, I binge-watched it. Couldn't stop. So glad to hear a second season is coming! C
  10. Something's coming Saturday. Not for the faint of heart. You've been warned. C
  11. Oh, wait. Simile. Not simple. My bad. 😪
  12. You really don't have to emphasize how simple you are, Camy. We're all aware and try not to mention it to often.
  13. It's up to chapter ten on his site. There is a link to his site from our AD homepage under the Links button at the top. I've always liked his work. He's a terrific writer. C
  14. That's terrible, R! Good story, though. C
  15. Yeah, I 've seen that. Very good. Another wonderful show, this one on Netflix, is Heartstopper. Great show.
  16. This was written long enough ago that I don't remember having read it, but as I commented on it at the time, I certainly had. Wonderful piece of writing, but then, what piece has Camy written that isn't sublime? There were a lot of suggestion that a follow-up be written. Too bad there doesn't seem to be one. I can understand that. I've done very little myself in the way of sequels. Muses don't always work that way. Great story, Camy.
  17. Misdirection, phooey! Hey, you're in London! Have you ever actually seen a barn? Been in one? No, I didn't think so. C
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