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PIECES OF DESTINY - back in action

The Pecman

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OK, maybe not that much action, but the story is back, anyway.

Special thanks to The Dude, AWL, and Cole for prodding me during my seclusion to keep the story going.

I have gone back and revised the first three chapters to tweak one or two minor logistical problems, but if you've read them already, know there's nothing drastically different. Chapter 4 is all new, all-singing, all-dancing, so one hopes it's been worth the wait. Depending on The Dude's schedule, it should be up here soon. Critiques, bric-a-bracs, small hand grenades, and other comments are all welcome. Hey, at least there's a little sex in this one (very little).

With luck, Chapter 5 will be done in some form in a month. Wish me luck...

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It was a pleasant surprise to see the next chapter up! As with the first three, it was excellent.

I only have two "complaints":

1) Having to wait possibly another month to read the next chapter ... :(

2) I think "Crocodile Rock" would sound very strange with only a guitar accompaniment.

This is definitely my favorite story that I'm currently reading ... keep it up!

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I only have two "complaints":

1) Having to wait possibly another month to read the next chapter ... :(

If you knew the conditions under which I'm writing, you'd be astonished I was getting one sentence done, let alone a chapter. Let's just say that life has its share of upheavals.

2) I think "Crocodile Rock" would sound very strange with only a guitar accompaniment.

Eh, I went down a list of a dozen or two songs I considered, and I thought what the hell -- maybe this was a song the kid had done at the piano a few times, so he transposed it to guitar. It was simply one of the first songs that came to mind, and I wanted him to go out on a fast song, preferably one without any "controversial" lyrics (drug references, modern technology, etc.). Trying to come up with a song that can work 140 years ago is harder than you might think.

Just straight chords on the guitar would work with "Crocodile," but there'd be some tricky changes here and there.

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Hey! Great story.

Thing is, I think Jason's too okay with being in the past. Thinking back, Michael J. Fox (can't remember the character's name) didn't act that worried when he time-traveled in Back to the Future, but he had the benefit of knowing he'd be there. I expected Jason to be more worried. ( I can't think of a more fitting word)

BTW, light years measure distance not time. I read somewhere that Jason said he's light years away from where he came from. But I guess it's ok because he's not into science but into theatre.

Looking forward to chapter 5.


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Thing is, I think Jason's too okay with being in the past.

He's OK only for the moment. Things have a habit of changing in my stories.

BTW, light years measure distance not time.

I'm reminded of Han Solo using a similar line about parsecs in Star Wars. Let's assume that Jason is a regular 15-year-old kid, who's not a science expert.

Trust me, I was correcting people about what a light year was when I was 10 years old, being a wiseass (and much too smart for my own good). But I was a completely different kind of kid than this character.

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He's OK only for the moment. Things have a habit of changing in my stories.

Thoroughly enjoyable fantasy. I thought back to my childhood in Des Moines and what my reaction would be to find myself in Iowa, circa 1863-64. It had been a state for less than 20 years.

Looking forward to more chapters!

Jack :hehe:

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I did say that 'I guess it's ok because... he's into theatre.' Oh well... It's not my real complaint. I just thought that if I suddenly found myself in the 19th century... Then again, Jason's not me. Keep going though. Please. :D

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I did say that 'I guess it's ok because... he's into theatre.'

Yeah, that was a deliberate choice on my part. Unlike the last few characters I've created, Jason is a fairly outgoing kid, comfortable with who he is, and he has no problem performing in front of an audience. He looks on the whole adventure (up to this point, anyway) as an extended improv session.

But it'll get more complicated soon enough.

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And for Jason to run into two brothers by the name of Jesse and Frank.

I'm glad you picked up on that. As it turns out, St. Louis, Missiouri was a hotbed of activity during 1864, as well as being one of the major railroad (and river) transportation hubs of the country.

Watch for several other cameos -- some famous, some not. And Jesse eventually plays a major part in... nope, I'll say no more.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm stalled at the moment mainly because I've been hit by an allergy severe enough to almost require a hospital stay (long story), and I'm just surviving day-to-day at the moment. If it wasn't for the miracle drug Xanax, I might have jumped off the cliff by now.

If all of my co-workers and I get laid off in the ongoing Hollywood WGA strike, then I'll have no excuses, and I'll have to get back to the story! :)

I may have to live out of a dempster dumpster, but I'll at least have lots of time to write...

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Okay, here's my problem.

On one hand, I hope that Pecman isn't laid off his job.

But on the other hand, I'm so hoping that Pecman is laid off his job.

Seriously love this story by the way. And since I've found out a few things about Pecman recently, I might have a small cyber-crush on the man as well.

Jason R.

BTW Pecman, if you need a place to stay.......... :icon_tongue:

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Hey Lugs,

As long as you're okay with going second, you may dust off your lap. :icon_tongue:

Or better yet, I could help clear away the cobwebs. You know, as sort of a "Welcome to the green room and author statis type gesture". The dude did ask us all to be friendly to those new comers after all.

Jason R.

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  • 3 months later...
And coming up very soon: Chapter 5, which is finally done (thanks to prodding by my longtime partner, and some editorial help from VWL).

::Dances around the room at this great news ::

I was just wondering how you were Pecman. Good to see you back on deck. :icon12:

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BTW, this chapter is 10,000 words long, so it ain't exactly pissin' in the dirt. At least it points towards the direction in which the story is about to move. (The story, not the, ah, piss.)

I'm alive, but my allergy is still killing me. I'm on doctor #3, getting two shots a week, and surviving.

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BTW, this chapter is 10,000 words long, so it ain't exactly pissin' in the dirt. At least it points towards the direction in which the story is about to move. (The story, not the, ah, piss.)

I'm alive, but my allergy is still killing me. I'm on doctor #3, getting two shots a week, and surviving.

It's great to hear both you and the story are doing well. :hehe:

Rad :)

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 6 coming up in just a day or so. Finally a little sex (and a little violence).

Special thanks to Cole and AWL for lending a hand with some editing and plot advice. Damn those typos, anyway! :icon11:

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  • 2 weeks later...

And, yes,



it was!

Very nice chapter. Ik like the way it is evolving.

I had a big smile when you introduced a famous name from the past. I am curious how you will develop that one.

Great story to read!



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