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One Two Three We're Out

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Colin Kelly's One Two Three We're Out is a delightful story of kids in high school dealing with their sexuality. It shows modern day kids and their perspective, a different perspective than in past decades. Reading this story lightens the heart and leaves a smile on your face. You just know, with a generation of kids growing up like this, things are improving in our world.


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I came here to write my thoughts on this very modern story, only to see Cole's post above and realize that as usual he said it far better than I ever could.

The thing that really hit me with this story is the feeling, the tone of optimism and positive expectations throughout. A real feel-good story of people who know that despite the challenges the world is becoming a better place. Thanks!

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I really liked this, Colin. It was upbeat, good to read, lighthearted, and the characters were well drawn. Also, it's great that you've finally become an AD writer. :smile:

Thanks, Camy.

Mike and Eric are patterned after my friends Ron and Eric from high school. I had no prototype for Cathy; I invented her from my imagination. Of course, having two teen age sisters means I have lots of examples of teen female personalities to draw from.

I'm very happy to be an AD author. I have two serial novels that I started but that don't fit the CW no graphic sex restriction so I set them aside. Now I can get back to them – after the three serial novels I'm currently writing have been wrapped up. While these two new stories will have some graphic sex, it's not explicit (if that makes any sense).

Colin :icon_geek:

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Climbing mountains is a bit of a stretch. I hike in the mountains, I don't climb them. Climbing takes extra skills that I don't have. One of those skills is a lack of fear of falling off the side of a mountain, a skill I have absolutely no interest in whatsoever. I'll stick to hiking (and backpacking) and XC skiing.

Colin :icon_geek:

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Dabeagle

What a delightful little story, I certainly enjoyed the characters and their interaction. It is quite funny how some people do seem to have better 'gaydar' that others; personally mine has been in for repairs for years. In this case I think it was more of a not seeing the woods for the trees since our boys were busy making sure the other one didn't notice they were staring too long. Good job!

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It is quite funny how some people do seem to have better 'gaydar' that others; personally mine has been in for repairs for years. In this case I think it was more of a not seeing the woods for the trees since our boys were busy making sure the other one didn't notice they were staring too long.

I think that's how gay boys try to connect, those slightly-too-long furtive looks, trying to keep from being seen looking while trying to look as long as they can. Perhaps it's because their gaydar isn't correctly tuned. I've looked for a gaydar repair shop for years with no luck. I guess it's too complicated.

Thanks for your comments about One Two Three We're Out, Dabeagle. I had a lot of fun writing this little story, and I enjoyed including a gay girl. She's the first female gay person in any of my stories. It's interesting that she turned out to be smarter than the two boys. Hmm...

Colin :icon_geek:

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  • 3 years later...

Thanks, R. It's been a long time since I reread this story, so that's what I did when I saw Mike had included it in this month's highlights. I enjoyed it, but thought that maybe the ending was a bit rushed. I suppose I should email the author and suggest that he address my quibble.

Colin :icon_geek:

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  • 3 weeks later...

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