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Higgs Boson by Camy

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There is just something about this story that brings me closer to whatever particle of life god is supposed to be. I was transported to those moments of assurance where we lovers cannot doubt that our love is the most natural thing in the cosmos.

Thank you Camy for the joy as your story brings us a little closer to ourselves; just lovely.

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Hasn't anyone figured out that our entire universe is in some other creature's Petri dish? And that other creature's universe is in yet another creature's Petri dish, and so on for an infinite number of universes in Petri dishes. It's so simple and so obvious.

Colin :icon_geek:

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Hasn't anyone figured out that our entire universe is in some other creature's Petri dish? And that other creature's universe is in yet another creature's Petri dish, and so on for an infinite number of universes in Petri dishes. It's so simple and so obvious.

Colin :icon_geek:

That's only one theory Colin, not proven yet. It is interesting though.

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I am happy to see that Camy, much like the rest of us, is inspired by current events. I would be the first to tell you that I understand nothing about this Higgs Boson particle acceleration business. Perhaps travelling faster than the speed of light will allow us greater knowledge at some point in the future. But without any knowledge I must accept Camy's story at face value...and what a good read we have here.

This is a love story after all, and it does speak to the fragility of human emotions under trying circumstances. So the question: when you invest your whole life, and that certainly means the future, with someone else, do the small irritating details become so important? No love is perfect and it shouldn't be. Precision is not a desirable trait between two people, understanding is much more important. It seems that when two objects collide the universe gets a new definition. Thanks, Camy.

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I tried astral time travel to watch myself at puberty. Wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be. So now I concentrate on leaving notes for my reincarnation.

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Thank you all for your comments. They are much, much appreciated. However, fiction aside, proving the existence of the Higgs Boson really is one of the most important discoveries mankind has ever made. Don't believe me? Then let Prof Brian Cox explain:

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