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Blog Comments posted by Trab

  1. I was right there, with you all the way, until you got to:Nine walletsTwo identical cigarette casesThirteen Zippo lightersFour red Bic lightersANYONE who thinks of those things as articles of clothing has got a severe problem.Jason, until you put all this stuff into boxes, numbered, and create a spreadsheet that lists each item in each box, with appropriate cross-references, you don't have a problem. Wire coathangers for clothing? You've GOT to be kidding. I thought those things were portable car door opening devices. :icon6:

  2. You are right. It IS hard to reply. And my response will likely be even harder for you to stomach than the situation in which you currently find yourself. Believe me, I DO have sympathy, and I love your family values. Moving home to help out is so admirable that I have to applaud you. That said, and maybe the addition a reminder that I have AS, and therefore not quite as maudlin as some others, and certainly not one to bow to peer pressure, or 'the right thing to do'; I think you are making a mistake. If your father and your mother are like most parents, they want to have their child achieve more than they did themselves. They are probably very happy that you are/were going to get a higher education and break that cycle. It is quite possible that you quitting school is going to hurt your father more than anything else. If he has resolved to die in order to protect his family as much as he is still able to, then your quitting school, as admirable as it is, will fly totally against his hopes. I have no idea of the way things work in the USA, but if someone here has no financial ability to make ends meet due to medical conditions, they invariably find someway to support them. They, being both support groups, like service clubs, and social services agencies within the government. There is no requirement on the child to quit their education to support the parents. As hard as it may be, I think you owe it to your mom and dad to speak honestly and openly about this. I think that you may be surprised at the response. I know it sounds hard-assed, and incongruous coming from someone who has moved in with his elderly mother so she doesn't have to be afraid at night anymore, but I also know that if I were to try sacrificing my whole future for the sake of some temporary support for her, as I know she won't last all that long either, she would be totally distraught at the damage to ME. Remember, YOU are their future, and dragging you down is probably the very last thing they want. I know that you feel you need to do this, out of love and a sense of 'payback', but it is the wrong thing to do. It truly is. But, and this is the big BUT, you need to make sure you can live with your decision, whichever it is, and you can only do this with open, honest, and loving discussion with them.My heart goes out to you. If I had any other way to support you in what is needed, I would. Please accept a purely platonic and huge HUG from me. Bart

  3. Maybe you guys can come grab some of our snow pack. It is the heaviest in many decades, and if it all starts to melt quickly in the summer heat, we may have our worset flooding in recorded history. Normally we'd be having quite the melting right now, and that's bad enough, but it's STILL snowing at the upper levels. This is not actually a reverse direction of global warming either. In the past, it seems, that warming has actually caused ice ages, due to increased precipitation. I don't know the time span from warming to snow, but it's probably lots longer than my lifespan.

  4. Uh, yes. Yes, you are. It's okay though Des. My ancient mother does the same thing. "Things are so expensive nowadays. How can anyone afford to buy it on $2 per week wages?" "Well, actually mum, people earn more than that now. A lot more." "Oh yes, of course they do. I still don't know how anyone can pay $1 per day for car insurance when they earn only $2 per week." Bart sighs, deeply, knowing that one day, mum will ask him how he got into the house and who he is. :(

  5. Oh My God (and I'm not religious). That is awesome Jason. I cannot even begin to comprehend either your imagination, or your inner turmoil, to be able to write like that. I was angry, sad, confused and cried throughout. Brilliant, touching, and if I may be so bold, something that should be posted somewhere else, as a short story, if only to help others who need to hear this message for themselves. Your talent is marvelous, and needs more exposure. I KNOW others will benefit from your insight.I had a minor problem with two little sections though:"Let me go, I don't blame you. I forgive you."It is impossible to forgive if there is no blame assigned, therefore this bit jarred me. I recommend removing the "I forgive you.""I don't blame you, and I will always love."Same issue and I'd recommend just changing it to "I will always love you."There are some minor spelling and punctuation issues, but they don't detract from the post at all, so I'm not even going to mention them.

  6. I think that many Christians, and indeed, all religious people, have a tendency to assume that God will take care of things. Sadly, it means that there is a total lack of personal responsibility in most people, and this has had disastrous consequences for the world. Aboriginals here in Canada will often have piles of old cars and other junk in their yards, and many people find this awful. However, they are missing a very important aspect, which is revealed simply by asking, "Why is your yard such a mess?" "It's because we take responsibility for our own garbage and don't just dump it somewhere else for someone else to deal with." If only we could all have that attitude, and not leave it for the next coming of Christ to have our world returned to good condition.

  7. Okay. I have to admit it. My knowledge of Christianity is limited to what I've seen in advertising on TV, and a little bit from Sunday School, before they kicked me out that very first day. Isn't Christmas all to do with Christ being crucified? Okay, I guess it's his birthday, but then later on he was nailed up by the Romans? I'm reading this as I type, and I realize that some people would think I'm joking, but I'm not. I really don't know the story and really don't care either. I guess you could call me an agnostic, bordering on aethiest.

  8. Very powerful. Brilliant, actually. Thank-you.For what it's worth, I can feel the agony in Scott, and subconsciously I think he feels that by saying 'yes' he would be another of Justin's possesions. Sadly, many people cannot grasp that. There is a core 'you' in everyone, and it must, MUST, be protected at all costs, even at the cost of ones life; to do any less is mental suicide. Of course there IS a way to resolve such a situation, but Scott and Justin have not developed their communication abilities to the point of being able to resolve it themselves.

  9. It just goes to show how the heathens in the north have destroyed Christmas. All those stupid decorations, snow, dead trees; they're all the product of heathen practises, which have now been perverted by the gift industry. We should just go back to simple crucifixions, sleeping in mangers, and some perfume for gifts to cover body odours. This would work in just about any climate.

  10. Expect to see a blond blue-eyed Aussie Surfer youth in your letter box in a moth
    I'd rather see him in a MONTH, but thanks, now I get two of them. I can hardly wait, although I must confess I like them a little bigger. Anyone skinny enough to get through the letter slot could get lost inside and I'd need to have surgical intervention. The damned gerbil was embarrassing enough.
  11. as I am quite striking
    . I used to be striking too, but after a particularly long one of 42 days, I gave up. Mind you, some of those other guys on the picket lines were striking too.
    The question is not whether I have good taste in men
    I'm sure that, like a weiner in a bun, or the baloney in a sandwich, you have good taste in men. On the other hand, I'm not sure which part I'd nibble on first, the meat in the middle, or the delectables on the outside, and the condiments/sauce is to die for. Mixed nuts too.Yes, my mother doted on me too. "My precious little thing," she'd call me. Now I'm just 'precious little', and even worse, 'little thing.'
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