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Blog Comments posted by Trab

  1. Good post, Des. Fortunately, there are many good people on this planet. It is too bad that they are sometimes difficult to spot, but they are there. They volunteer in thrift shops, they deliver meals to the housebound, they visit sick people in the hospital, they work with abused women and children, they provide victim services and counselling, they build houses that are given away, they bag sand in floods, rescue farm animals and pets from bad owners. They are all around, and the beauty, and sadness, is that they are so difficult to spot and seek no recognition.

  2. Camy, there is no need to feel humble. Just realize that we all hurt at times, some for longer periods than others, but despite being an authors forum overall, we are a support structure for each other too. We have similar, if not identical issues and fears, hopes and dreams, and we can and do offer our shoulders to each other for support, even beyond literary support. Personally, I think it is a strength to open up our vulnerabilities to others, not a weakness.

  3. I supposed I'd better tell you MY little tail, um, er, tale. I went to my doctor regarding a rather interesting discoloration and flaking off 'material' from the sensitive end of my penis, and lo and behold, in he walks, holding my chart, and accompanied by a female. He introduces her as a 2nd year medical student, observing, and asks me to describe the problem. Um, er, uh. What the hell do I say? How can I get out of this one, with any dignity at all. "You can't, sucker", I tell myself, "unless you act as though there isn't a problem with this." So, I proceeded to tell my doctor my woes, and pulled out the old (sadly, it's as old as I am) pecker, and showed them both the details. I never cease to amaze myself.

  4. I suspect, probably wrongly, that you don't find yourself worthy of M's love and committment, and therefore don't dare go that step. You feel you've missed out on important goals in life, and therefore you feel you are unworthy. Well, I'm not sure what to say, since I seem to have gone my whole life without any particular goals, and it hasn't traumatized me. I got a job, completely different from what I went to school to learn, and slowly but surely made my job suit me more and more, through subtle and not so subtle manipulation of those around me. I was accepting of the job, as a means to getting money to live, but my LIFE, was joining clubs and organizations and helping them. I have built clubs from the ground up. I have started revamping old organization s and breathing new life into them. I volunteer for a shitload of different things. I am, for all intents and purposes, a social misfit, but I don't suffer from feelings of unworthiness, because I help, without pay, those who I feel need help. Not all of them, but some. As long as you have money enough to live, then LIVE by helping others. You will soon feel good about yourself, and maybe take that C word to the next level.

  5. I never wrote a journal, but at pivotal moments in my life I would sometimes write a small note, expressing my feelings, and seal it into an envelope, with a notation on the outside: do not open until after 19__. I was guessing at the number of years it would take me to overcome the bad feelings. Most of those notes have now been opened, read, the resolution accepted, and destroyed. There is still one, which, while opened several times, has been resealed for future review. Since I have now discovered my orientation, and accepted it, I can be sure that the next time I open this envelope I will be able to destroy it.

  6. I believe, if you have the settings for the blog set to require approval, then nobody can post 'permanently' without each blog comment being authorized by the blog owner, OR one of the moderators. Before getting moderator status here, I never had any of my comments to Jason's blog appear until he had approved them. Since I have received moderator status, this has not happened to me, and I can only assume that this status gives greater rights than just editing someone else's posts. It seems to allow one to bypass ALL the security features.I would suggest RADsteven, that you check your blog settings.

  7. I'm not quite clear on the full situation Camy. Is this a personal office in your own place, or part of a corporate office/building in which you work? Are you blogging while at work? Did you know that legally the 'boss' owns all your production while you are on the payroll, even if it is your personal blog?

  8. Can't say I disagree with you. Raymond sucks. His character was the shits, and his wife was no better. I only watched a few episodes but the whole family was stupid, actually. I can't say I hate Tom Hanks though, but the only movie I liked was that one in which he became a kid in the toy factory...whatever. And I'm sure that was more because it was a lovely thought to be in that kind of position, rather than anything Tom did.

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