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Blog Comments posted by Trab

  1. I never expected my 'fake' ending to be the one you'd intended: it just allows me to stop stewing over what happens next: until you get around to writing some more. And I agree with you, that writing should not be 'work'. If it does, at least that particular story should stop.

  2. Oh, poop. I was warned, but I just HAD to read, didn't I?Well, I like closure, so I'll finish it myself. (I'm joking, of course)The uncle and policeman dragged Cyrus outside, where he squirmed around enough to break away. By a huge and fortunate coincidence, at that very moment, a large American-built car lost control, careened over the sidewalk, and killed both the uncle and the policeman instantly. Cyrus, having found someone to trust, hugged me tightly. The End.

  3. Dear Camy. We aren't amusing ourselves at your expense. Truly not. You have just given us such excellent material from which to work, that none of us could help but become creative from the genius of the nucleus you provided. :confused: (In other words, you're a good straight man...er...uh...I mean...um... Oh, never mind.) :devlish:

  4. Dear Des, I'm not sure why you said this, but it concerns me.

    you will all have to be gone by 10.17pm when the b/f returns from work. If he found us all in the shower he might be a little disbelieving that all we were doing was showering and burst into tears, he hates missing out on a group shower.
    Surely unity would be better served by insisting we join both of you for the shower promptly at 10:17. B/F is happy, and you are safely cocooned in a swath of hunky men.
  5. Welcome, Jason, to somewhere in between. You'll find that there are many of us here, somewhere in between, although it may not be the exact same somewhere as yours; but all of us are hovering, swooping, and dancing up and down with the tides of human interaction, or the lack of it, too. The beauty of somewhere in between is that you can learn to control your level; maybe not easily, and with lots of little errors, but definitely under your own control. I'm glad to see you here. ((((( Jason R ))))) :confused::icon13::devlish:

  6. Grab bars are good if you are trying to get in/out, or if you are going up/down (seating yourself or getting up [not getting it up]). The real problem here is the initial slipping on the slippery slope of soapy slop. You truly do need to get those anti-skip stickers. You might also just consider showering only with your partner, never alone. When one goes down, the other is there to take advantage...er, help out.

  7. BTW, a sneeze can be the source of many such a disaster. I've felt one coming on and found out that the only way to even delay it is to immediately hold my nose. Strangely enough, absolutely no air movement in the nostrils seems to give you enough time to at least pull over. In case you're wondering, I drive in car rallies, and those sneezes can lead to severe injury. If you're going to sneeze like that, you may want to consider skid plates under the car, a full racing harness, and a bush bar on the front. Oh, I think I forgot to mention the fire suit and helmet...

  8. Absolutely, I wish you great luck. I think you are right, too, in making sure that at the beginning stages the good things predominate. It's a classic ploy of nature, to attract with enticing beauty (okay, that's maybe a bit over the top, but you know what I mean) and then proceed to the 'nitty gritty' of the relationship, whether it be eating the nectar (I'm thinking honey bees), forming friendships, or copulating. If you don't get the right start, there won't be a right finish, so...go for it Jason.One word of caution: honesty. If asked, don't lie, but you don't need to volunteer it all either. If you have to talk about it, make sure it's balanced, but I think you already know that. BTW, that heady/giddy feeling has GOT to be the best natural high feeling one can experience. :hehe:

  9. Deep, Jason. Sadly, it needs a small amount of editing, and that distracted me the first 3 times I read it. "you're", not "your"."Why can't you only see The best things in me" Uh, besides being unrealistic, it sets you up for fear of failure of a relationship equally as much as someone only seeing the broken things. Seeing the whole of you, good, bad, indifferent, beautiful, ugly, depraved and uplifting, THAT is what you want in a relationship. Acceptance and like equally."The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." -Victor Hugo

  10. I've always slept alone, except for a very (too) short time with a significant other. I slept better than ever before, or since. Sadly though, his need was for lots of sex, and that's something that I cannot deal with. So, we parted ways. I'm not sure if having sex but not sleeping together is better or worse than sleeping together and never having sex. I guess no sex and no sleeping is the worst though. My hugs to you, Camy.

  11. Des, you might want to look into a chain link fence as an alternative. If you are only looking for a BF corral, it will do fine, although if you want privacy for you trysts then it won't. You will need to get metal posts, which are often available at scrap yards, and fencing, which is surprisingly, also often available as scrap. People get rid of their fences, and even small pieces can be easily wired together to make longer sections.

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