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Everything posted by Merkin

  1. Sometimes when I see a new Sanitaria Springs story go up over on Dabeagle’s site I get anxious and feel as though I will need to quick skim all of the previous 104 (!!) stories in the series in order to make sense out of the characters and the events portrayed in the new one. It’s a challenge to keep up, even though I know I’m going to love the new story just as I do the rest of them. Well, I’m more than happy to report that a new Sanitaria tale has been posted, and you won’t need to reread any of the rest in order to appreciate it. It explains itself internally and can stand alone as a great piece of storytelling. “All Mine” is by Dabeagle himself, and this tale will warm your heart even if you’ve never visited the Springs before now. http://www.dabeagle.net/stories/dabeagle/sanitaria_springs/allmine.html
  2. Sadly, this is only one instance among thousands. Many will go undiagnosed and untreated. Some will lead to even more tragedy.
  3. Ronyx is beginning a new story "Dancing on a Star" over on The Mustard Jar, which is one of our Awesome Links. Chapter One is up and it looks to be interesting. http://www.themustardjar.com/
  4. I see it more as a push-back than a repudiation. There's a long way to go. Breaking Trump's hold on the Republican Party is going to take massive effort. I'm no political strategist, but I believe the Republicans are still thrilled at their so-easy access to Trump's base.
  5. So real, so sad. And Troye just the right voice for this.
  6. Merkin

    Dominic 3

    Good job. But please don't cap this story off so soon. There's plenty of room for these two engaging characters to develop between this really nice beginning and the Epilogue. You might think about giving us glimpses of their relationship every ten years or so.
  7. Now that's one smart cat. Handsome, too.
  8. I'm rooting for you, Jason. I've always admired you, both as a person and as a writer, as someone who tells it like it is, and I am confident you can work as hard on your own behalf as you did for so long for someone else's gain.
  9. Sorry folks, one thing I left out of my note above is this. If you start reading "Jack in the Box" and feel drawn in, be sure to take the time to read Driver's previous story "Sudden Storm". It provides necessary context for the new story.
  10. Driver has started a new story and is three chapters in. Too soon to give you a synopsis but I'm already hooked. "Jack in the Box" can be found at http://www.storiesbydriver.net/
  11. Merkin


    Awww. How sweet to find such rapport. A worthy 'Boys on Trains' interlude. I won't ask what was added to your stewed coffee.
  12. I have a use for every one of these. Thanks! I can't wait for another batch of these, so I'll be leaving.
  13. Sadly, all good stories must come to an end, and Rothenia must once again retreat into the shadows of our imagination. Grateful thanks to Mike Arram for his continued devotion to detailing this magic kingdom and its wonderful cast of characters, both new and old, we have come to love.
  14. I love Cole's stories, and I especially love the ones that I can begin and finish reading all on the same day.
  15. Considering the quality of his output as a writer over the past couple of years, Geron Kees is a force to be reckoned with. There's no story of his that I haven't enjoyed and admired.
  16. Oh, boy, what a memory you guys have kicked off. My college had dorms built in a previous century. Freshmen all got single rooms, approximately 8’ X 10’, each with a single window glazed with loose 19th century glass, and heated by a steam radiator. This space was furnished with a bed fitted with a cot-sized mattress laid on boards, one chair with a rope-bottomed seat (and I still have the corrugations on my ass to prove it), a small bookcase and a stand-up desk. We were instructed to NOT bring anything besides clothing, since that was all that would fit into the clothespress. There were no closets. Needless to say hotplates and the like were routinely confiscated.
  17. I love starting the day with a laugh.
  18. Shades of Cyril Northcote Parkinson and his famous analysis of the growth of bureaucracy in organizations. Among his observations is the notion that bureaucracies cannot be content unless they fiddle with what has gone before and invent new ways to make what may have been sensible into something more difficult. His book was one of the greater delights of the 1950s, and should not be forgotten. Check it out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson's_law
  19. C'mon, Cole, you old chauvinist, 'the girl' Inga Lohne-Otterstad's voice is truly extraordinary, especially for a singer so young, and pairs perfectly with Askel's baritone for this performance. The two together have wonderfully balanced stage presence.
  20. Thank goodness the English language is constantly malleable, unlike some languages that are more fixed. Full credit to writers and speakers of English around the globe who are willing to try out new idioms and turns of phrase and pass them on to world-wide audiences. In that respect, we Yanks also must not overlook the rich contributions to “our” language from our Aussie, Kiwi, and Canadian cousins. I especially liked the notion, as stated above, that ‘kerfuffle seems to be useful enough to Americans--who can never get enough words to describe kinds of conflict' Perhaps our own contribution to the English language, in the spirit of the many Eskimo words for ‘snow’, could be to offer up an all-inclusive conflict dictionary.
  21. Not much about the 21st century has much appeal for me but Colin and Doug's ability to have that sequence of experience makes it all worthwhile.
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