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Everything posted by Camy

  1. Once again they're in the world news... http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/6698753.stm
  2. I hate - hate, hate , hate bloody riddles. Don't have the brain for them. Camy, the upset Emu. ok - so: I am green and I go up and down, what am I?
  3. Shock 'orror! Leave the p ... p ... poor wee beastie alone!
  4. Thanks for the thoughts, but it wasn't me. 'twas my cousin. We're all in mourning I told him not to go to that bar... But no, would he listen ... birdbrained nincompoop.
  5. I've been thinking about this post for a couple of days. I wasn't going to say anything, then thought I really should - if for no other reason than moral support.I have been there, and done a lot of 'that'. Not that I'll qualify.Camy
  6. Thank you both so much!
  7. Yo! I've just put up another eight audio poems. http://camy.awesomedude.com/index2.html
  8. Getting feedback gives you a warm wuzzly feeling like no other ... except, maybe one. So congratulations on your threesome, soon you'll have a fully blown orgy!
  9. I thought I had to look at the Westboro Baptist Church website. Living in the UK I've not be subjected to anything even vaguely similar, and honestly I'm shocked. Really shocked. Those people are certifiable. *walks away scratching his head* Camy a very disturbed Emu. PS I hope Warner-Chappell take them for every last cent they have, and then some.
  10. Camy

    (20) Twenty

    Yay! 20!I was tenty once. hmm. was that a typo, or a freudian thingy, I wonder.Anyway, I'm still five I think. Be six soon, though.
  11. You lucky, lucky *jealous expletive removed* AND a 4TB music collection!!! Then I suppose it depends on your sample rate. Still ... nope, can't get over this extreme jealousy ... must go get therapy.... 5GB RAM, 2 TB storage! *shuffles away talking to himself*
  12. Very funny! That reminds me of an episode of 'Fawlty Towers' where Basil gets out of the car and beats it with a large branch from a tree. And if you haven't seen John Cleese is Fawlty Towers, then shame on you. You don't know what you've missed. ...Not that road rage is funny. It's lucky he didn't have a gun.
  13. Camy


    Wow, TR! That's amazing. Really.
  14. I never knew there were people who did put two spaces after a period. It sounds exciting. I must try this thing.
  15. I'm more interested in this: Couldn't someone have mentioned this earlier? I've missed half the month!
  16. Camy


    Pretty much, though other than 'Coupe' I've only read 'Educating Max', and I don't think I got to the end of it. 'twas a while back. At the time, I didn't start 'Riposte' (sequel to Coupe), as he'd virtually stopped writing it. Camy
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DES! :razz: :bunny:
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6659457.stm
  19. Camy

    I want to cry

    Oh I can cry, and yes, onions do it, as do movies. The end of 'Titanic', the end of 'Pay It Forward', 'E.T' etc. Tears I can manage, I just can't manage them when I want them - if that make any kind of sense.My Boyfriend, on the other hand, cry's like a baby (big wuss ); and, and, and... grrr.Dunno. I don't want to have to peel onions when I want a good wail, you know?Thanks for the shoulders. They're much appreciated. Honestly.Camy
  20. Camy

    I want to cry

    When I was young, until I was about twelve or thirteen, I used to cry a lot. When I say a lot, I mean a lot. At the drop of a hat. I don't think I ever cried infront of my peers and friends, but at home I'd be howling at the unfairness of whatever it was that was unfair at that moment in time. Now I can't, and I WANT TO. Badly. There must have been a pivotal moment in my life that caused me to stop. But I can't think of one specifically. I went to boarding school (where you'd rather cut your leg off than be caught crying) and I'm British which means that I'm probably genetically repressed, but I want it, and I need it, and yet I still can't. God is that unfair. </self pity>
  21. Jason, once again I doff my hat.That is a powerful piece.
  22. I'm so sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with him and his mother and family.
  23. Huh? San Francisco is out there, but isn't a fantasy world: and he doesn't need psychiatric help. He needs to get on a plane.
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