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Everything posted by Camy

  1. I have to agree with Colin, both ends are equally dangerous. It's teeth vs arse. Camy.
  2. Lord knows what this will do to Wibby's ego. True though it may be, you could have couched it in clever Raccoon bamboozling hyperbolic simile.
  3. Camy


    No thank you! Much as I adore Des, I think my BF - sweet, kind and loveable though he is - might find some fault with the idea. Personally, I like my dangly bits where they are Camy
  4. Camy


    I'm not, positively not a misanthrope - except for the odd day when I am. I just have a wee problem sleeping with people. It behoves me to mention: snoring, farting, tossing (minds out of gutter) and turning. Arguing with the cat, scratching, sleep-talking, sleep-walking, getting up to pee, getting up to make hot chocolate, etc, etc et-bloody-cetera. All these things do not make for a peaceful nights sleep: and they're just my habits! Add another person to the mix and you have carnage.Anyway, thank you all for you support, and the hugs. The idea of a King Size bed is firmly taking root. :wink:Camy
  5. Camy


    I is feeling mucho needy. Just over a year ago I took my heart in my hands and told my best friend that I loved him. It was done deal, really, 'cause deep down I knew he felt the same way ... and he did. The idea was that we were going to live together as soon as we could. A year and a bit down the line it still hasn't happened. 'Things' keep getting in the way, and I'm getting really effing brassed off. One of the 'things' has been ... erm ... my problem, is to do with personal space. I'm a loving guy, but I can't sleep with anyone. Cuddling, no problem. But actually sleeping. Big problem. And I don't know what to do about it. The one good part is that he's known me and my foibles for years, but still. It would be nice to wake up in his arms.... Well, according to the stories I've read, it would. Yesterday I came downstairs and found the cat looking inordinately proud. He had a baby bunny. It was in perfect condition - except for being dead - and looked asleep. I was mortified. But the cat didn't care. I tried to explain that killing baby bunnies was not on - but to no avail. He pointed out that he's a cat, and that he's following his genetic prerogative ... as I'm following mine. Bloody Cat. Chapter 12 of Seraph is finished and edited. Only one chapter left to go, now. At some point after it's finished I'm going to re-edit, as inevitably there are bits I'm not happy with ... not to mention the odd flaw in continuity and plot. I'm part way through a short 'boarding school drama' - as requested in dubious circumstances by Cole. It's set in the UK in the seventies with a working title of 'Bathtime'. And I'm still needy (even after writing this blog). I want a hug! *sighs* Ave, all. Camy
  6. I concur. As an alternative: a 'Worst of Nifty' might be a good crack.
  7. Thank you so much, Des. Thinking about your boyfriend's clutch quite put me off my dinner. Not that I wanted to think about it. It's like if you say "Don't think of Elephants!" - of course you think of Elephants. Same with clutches and boyfriends. Or clutches of boyfriends.Hmm.Obviously time for therapy.HELP!PS try Open Office. It's free and just as good as Bill's version. www.openoffice.org.PPS Do a Virus scan. You know you want to.
  8. Camy


    OI!Don't you dare get maudlin.For sure life is a bitch, and seldom gives us what we feel it should. But I , for one, would be extremely upset if you vanished.Sincerely,Camy
  9. An award! Gosh! How kind! ?20,000 = $40,000 approx. Speaking as a friend, I think you might want to re-think the cash award.... unless you have a very wealthy 'client', or a penchant for a sore bottom. Ha ... hahahahahahaha!!!
  10. *Sigh* If you must know it's my cousin Emmy. Emmy's not the brightest of birds, and get easily confused - a family trait. However, as she comes with a stupendously large dowry, and is very lithe, cute, and emuesque - she is seen as a catch. I've had to play bodyguard many times, as she has a lot of ardent suitors cantering around after her. I managed to grab a photo out of the family album. I think you'll agree she's a pretty special bird! Here's one of Aunty Fethflufkin, and Emmy when she was just a wee slip of a thing. Cousins Japheth, Heypheth, and twonk are still egg-bound. I heard a rumour that Great Uncle Gazebo plays golf. I can't judge the veracity, but we all know his penchant for balls. Camy
  11. Oh blimey ... proof at last! Woot! *canters away nodding head*
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6110018.stm Hazardous waste includes: 1: Lead in cathode ray tube and solder 2: Arsenic in older cathode ray tubes 5: Antimony trioxide as flame retardant 4: Polybrominated flame retardants in plastic casings, cables and circuit boards 3: Selenium in circuit boards as power supply rectifier 6: Cadmium in circuit boards and semiconductors 7: Chromium in steel as corrosion protection 8: Cobalt in steel for structure and magnetism 9: Mercury in switches and housing
  13. *Sighs* Late to the party again. On the bright side, it means I don't have so long to wait ... brilliant! ;)
  14. Camy

    Stupid I am.

    *...thinking...*Do it!
  15. Gabe, the Dude was looking at using Joomla for the front page of the site. It's a content management system, and might also be suitable for the poetry site too. I'll help if I can, but it's not really up my street ;) James is right about Crimson Editor. It's free and excellent. Camy
  16. I love Mel Brooks! Okay, I don't actually love Mel Brooks, but you know what I mean.I'm sorry it's all so evil for you. Then it's evil everywhere where politics are concerned.Speaking of Herr Hitler: he got it right with uniforms. So much so that Darth Vader copied him. Mind you, Darth never had a moustache or lederhosen.Right, 'nuff said.
  17. Camy

    Stupid I am.

    So I trundle off and write a story - or which I'm proud - and post it. I'm tidying up when the computer goes 'ting'. Email! 'twas a rare missive from the Dude! After opening the champagne, and putting the caviar on ice (yick, pah, pass me a bucket) I sit down to read: I scratch chin, then panic - or was it the other way around.... Paranoia wakes up. Everybody hates me. I pace up and down ... up and down ... down and up.... Then: Grinning I sit back, then frown and start to worry that Cole is going to think horrible things. Checking emails more than once a minute can get irksome. Then: So ... consider a public school story on its way! Camy
  18. Hmm.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae leo. Duis metus. Proin risus. Suspendisse orci quam, placerat vitae, sollicitudin et, feugiat ac, lectus. Vivamus sit amet ipsum. Aenean vel enim vitae nibh sodales congue. Fusce aliquet enim id nisi. Ut ac ante a dui tempus ultrices. Phasellus iaculis, nisi eget tempor aliquam, mi nunc gravida ipsum, ut iaculis pede eros nec risus. Morbi sed dolor a velit aliquet dignissim. Proin quam mauris, vestibulum sit amet, nonummy non, vestibulum nec, pede. Aenean vestibulum tristique urna. Curabitur elit augue, posuere sit amet, euismod id, mollis sed, massa. Proin sapien. Vivamus varius lectus quis nibh. Maecenas neque. Cras ullamcorper laoreet lorem. Nulla a nunc.Suspendisse nulla. Mauris pellentesque, nisi et tincidunt ornare, nisl arcu ornare lacus, in ornare eros neque sit amet nisi. Maecenas blandit, purus nec elementum elementum, eros enim suscipit dolor, ac blandit risus urna non arcu. Phasellus ut ligula tempus ligula condimentum sodales. Donec arcu. Sed metus ligula, sollicitudin sit amet, bibendum condimentum, aliquet commodo, metus. Praesent dictum neque ac libero. Integer nec quam pharetra massa interdum molestie. Pellentesque lectus. Aliquam nisi dui, aliquet id, ullamcorper eget, adipiscing a, sapien. Fusce a erat. Suspendisse potenti. Integer mattis leo vel lectus. Aliquam convallis posuere arcu. Hahahahahahahahaha!
  19. Ennui maaaan, ennui 1) agreed 2) definitely boi 3) digital tuners and imagination. 4) true --- Born to run - Springsteen.
  20. erm ... umm ... Crazy ass? Nope, it's cute as a fluffy early spring lambkin *canters off, preening*
  21. I've got so much to say, but have just had a phone call. I'm always late, and here I am late again. The above means goodbye for now. Explain all later. Hmm.... Camy PS 'Tardy Swine!' emoticon obviously required.
  22. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/...70823110231.htm Are Homosexual Civil Unions A 600-year-old Tradition? A compelling new study from the September issue of the Journal of Modern History reviews historical evidence, including documents and gravesites, suggesting that homosexual civil unions may have existed six centuries ago in France. The article is the latest from the ongoing "Contemporary Issues in Historical Perspective" series, which explores the intersection between historical knowledge and current affairs. --- Thanks to BSK for the link. ---
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