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Jason Rimbaud

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Blog Comments posted by Jason Rimbaud

  1. I didn't read the poem. I couldn't, I'm still trying to understand why that bad ole muse attacked you during work time. I hope you pulled it aside and had a stern heart to heart. Sometimes muses are like that, if you leave them alone too long, they like to pop up and remind you to pay attention.Jason R.I still didn't read your poem, for only one reason now, I don't think houses are all that safe. Nuff Said.

  2. The good news is, I did not have this dream last night. Matter of fact I slept like a baby. So maybe it was just a dream caused by my over active imagination.And Trab, that's the funny thing. I'm actually pretty sober lately. I've stopped doing pills all together, I haven't done cocaine in several months. And though I have a few beers a week and maybe a bottle of wine, I stay sober most of the time. So I think this dream is just that, a dream. Because I'm doing well, and mostly staying out of trouble. But thanks for the concern, and Camy, I did call Daniel today and we're going out for dinner on Sunday. Just him and I, he'll leave the boyfriend at home. Woot.Jason R.

  3. Hey Camy,I found it brilliant and not the least bit disturbing. I have written a few pieces fantasizing about my own death so I understand the need to sometimes examine certain feelings. I figure if you have the cats to keep you company and the occasional shag from the bf, then examine those feelings and write about it. I love the little tidbits of Camy thoughts you give us time to time. Great title by the way, I think that's the most brilliant part of the piece.Jason R.

  4. just like she stole the idea of Harry Potter.
    That is simply unkind and untrue.
    But it has something to do with bad teeth, upstairs of independent book stores, and the fear of the fog.
    Her teeth are not British and are just fine. And I love independent book stores (most of which sell HP). Fog? Well Jack the Ripper understands that fear....
    Well Wibby, It seems I was wrong about her teeth, I checked for pictures on the web.As for independent book stores, I really like them as well, more intimate than the big chain stores.As for the fog, your reason is way better than mine.And since we all know our resident raccoon is one of the most intelligent beings on Awesome Dude, I might...might I say...borrowmyfriendsbook and readthefirstharrypotter. Jason R.
  5. I don't think I'll even mention Des or Trab's comments. Wanking and such I'll leave to my betters. :icon1: I'd like to apologize to Rad for those insensitive comments, no matter how funny they were. Wanking, good one Trab. :hug: That being said, Trab watch out for the British witch, she'll get inside your soul and steal your last breath just like she stole the idea of Harry Potter. :icon1: And for the reasons why I hate J.K.Rowling Wibby, I'm not sure. But it has something to do with bad teeth, upstairs of independent book stores, and the fear of the fog. Jason R.

  6. First off, haven't you already posted this particular topic a few days ago?Second, I'm shocked that Wibby would say you are nearing 90 years old. We all know that you aren't a day over 85.Thirdly, have you already posted this particular topic a few days ago?Fouthly, I'm glad you're feeling better and hope you get to feeling the boyfriend very soon. Though I must admit I'm a bit jealous of him.Jason R.Happy three twenty day

  7. Hmmmm...*looks up at the title**looks back at the text*So, ummm, this wasn't what I expected. It's great that someone liked your story, congrats. But, I was looking...hoping...I mean, look at the blog title. I was looking for a more indecent blog entry. You could have slipped just a bit more of tongue in this entry. :biggrin: Jason R.PS: Still wanting to feel alive? :biggrin:

  8. That was... I don't know... sad, maybe? And all the washing... it wasn't about Alex.Anyway... this entry is totally emotional. I hope you feel better soon. Maybe I could help you some... I want to feel alive too.
    Ah, Rad...you a bad boy. A very bad boy. :whistle: But I like you anyway.And Trab, I think it's scary how you always see to the heart of the matter. I like to think of you as a friend. :inquisitive: Des, I like your title, Poetic Justice of the One Night Stand. But you said I should write a short story, didn't I already write...a...story? *walks away looking for butterflies*Jason R.
  9. I was hoping you would take that comment as a joke, here at Awesome Dude we like to kid those we like. I think you're going to fit in around here just fine. :lol: Jason R.On a serious note, don't worry about coming out until you're ready. Or do like I did, just get caught by your father blowing your best friend in the living room one night after church. Think about it, I never had to worry about coming out. I kind of kicked the closet door down. :spank:

  10. Ummm, excuse me, don't want to hijack this blog but....I'm going to.Des, WTF man. You wouldn't play doctor with me a few days ago, but now you're all about playing along with Rad, WIbby, and Camy. :spank: And I even threw in a pun for you, and yes, that mistake was intentional. "patiently"I know Rad is younger, cuter, smarter, faster, I know, you have the technology to build him better. But damn it, I've still got a few games of licking left in me...err...with me...whatever, you know what I mean. I just can't believe you'd throw me over for a younger model. :icon6::lol: Slips of the tongueWhat kind of name for a blog is that?Slips of the TongueI'd like to give him some tongueI mean...damn it RadJason R. :lol:

  11. Damn Camy, why do I feel like giving you a hug? Then taking you out for a few pints, where we can play music and drink until the sun comes up. I always think that the answers to lifes greatest mysteries are found at the bottom of a bottle. Then again, I've never been the best role model. Or so my father always said. But he was crazy. Hang in there, one of the greatest things about humans is our ability to cope with just about anything. Sooner or later, the answers always come.Jason R.PS: if you have any drugs you don't need anymore, ship them over. :lol:

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