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Blog Comments posted by Kapitano

  1. You should write down your hallucinations! And publish!In fact, if I had the money for hallucinogenics, I'd switch on the dictaphone before taking them and spend the next four hours describing whatever jumped (or slithered, or flew) past my eyes.As for wake planning...I've been to a few wakes and they seemed to consist of people who don't really know each other eating and drinking rather too much. Just like a wedding really. Maybe write a special short story with strict instructions that it only be read at the wake.Anyway, get well soon and drink all the Night Nurse you want.

  2. Ah, I was wondering. I thought it must be one of those periods when all the creative juices dry up - 'cos I've been having one too.Good to have you back, and here's hoping there's a backlog of stories to be posted. Possibly with a "moving house" theme.

  3. Abso-de-fragging-lutely.And what's more, keep a record of what's backed up to where. Twenty discs labeled "Misc" aren't a backup - they're a lucky dip.If you're anything like me though, you'll wind up with a hundred discs marked "Various", "Misc" and "Backup", and eventually have to spend a month doing nothing but sorting them out.Actually, if you can get one of those portable USB hard drives, you can back up each day's data before you go to bed. More convenient than burning everything to DVDR. I copy all my most useful programs to <a href="http://mozy.com/">Mozy</a> too.

  4. I know what I'm doing on Valentine's DayI'm meeting a friend who's also gayAnd though it once seemed we were set to be loversIt always worked better when we were like bruvversSo we meet and drink tea and discuss this and thatHow we don't want to get old and don't want to be fatBut sometimes hold hands and feel sort of romanticBoth knowing it won't lead to the wrong sort of antic

  5. probably way too much information
    Not at all. Good to hear you've got such a romantic relationship with a good man.Oh no I'm not envious at all.
    My decision is not to write any more of anything (blogging and tarting on the boards aside) until I finish one of the novels I've started.
    You're sure? Okay. But if you get really stuck on the novel, it's not like you've made a blood oath to not try another short story till the muse returns.As with so many other things, it's nicer to have several completed short ones than one long one that doesn't finish. :hug:
  6. the major rule in writing fiction is, there are no rules.
    Oh I'm quite sure there are plenty of rules, but:* They're not what the books say they are.* Sometimes what gets called a rule is really a guideline.* If breaking a rule makes a better sentence, it probably wasn't a rule - just someone's opinion.* They change all the time with the rest of language.* There are some occasions where what you're trying to write doesn't yet have clear rules - and by writing you're helping to make them clearer.And finally:* There is a difference between rules and personal style. Some teachers of writing get confused about the difference.
  7. First of all...Elbow are good. Elbow are surprisingly good. Elbow are very good.Odd how we can say "very good indeed" but not "surprisingly good indeed". Hmm.They're what James Blunt thought he was, what The Beta Band could have been, and what Oasis should have been.Dennis Potter said "Elbow" was the most beautiful sounding word in the English langage. Tolkien said something similar about "Cellar Door".As for Tracy Emin's bed, it wasn't actually her bed. For the obviousl reason that she was sleeping in her bed while the famous "My Bed" was on display. An early draft of the "bed" installation involved the sheets covered in blood. So there.Coffee and flies. I like having flies in my mouth, and coffee is usually the excuse for putting them there. I bet you got that sentence as you were reading it for the second time.Do Emu's actually have quills? Do they have the right kind of feather, or is it just parrots?

  8. Y.M.C.A! :hehe: Or to put it another way...

    Young manIf think you're like meYoung manIt's a good thing to be, I sayWrite itI am sure you will findMa-ny ways...to...ex...plore...gay...loveIt's fun to read his stuff!Y...MCA!I think it's gotta beY...MCA!You can tell a good taleYou can write a quick songYou can do wha-ev-er you feel

  9. Kapitano's Usual Solution: Set aside a room and fill it up with the boxes. It doesn't actually get rid of any stuff, and it makes your home a bit more cramped...but it (a) saves money and (b) motivates you to do something about the heap - so you can have your room back.The Trial By Fire Method: Get a little bit drunk, and have a bonfire of every second item. If, through the slight alcoholic haze, you identify an item as really really necessary, don't burn it. If, in your relaxed inebriated state, you decide you can do without the item, watch it burn and have another shot of tipple.The Subcontraction Method: Find someone else to make the decisions for you about what to keep and what the throw away - and then lose their mobile number so you can't interfere. That way, when they've thrown away something you absolutely wanted to keep, you can blame them, not yourself.This method is good if you have a friend who you want to get rid of, as it garruntees a fight. So probably don't ask M to do it.Speaking of the lucky man M, maybe he could do a guest post on Camy's Thang?

  10. I suspect the couples who don't occasionally tell each other to go fuck themselves are the ones who secretly plan to kill each other.You know how constantly being on your best behavior makes you build up resentment? So you wind up hating the person you're being nice to all the time? Yeah. Been there and done that.Of course, there are those couples who genuinely never argue. They're the ones who never communicate. I'm sure there's some flashy fiction in there.

    ... and you know what they say about make-up kissing! :icon5:
    It smudges the make-up?
  11. Ah, the Atkins diet. Or is it The Atkins Diet ™. or possibly The Most Remarkable Dietry Plan of Doctor Robert Atkins, For The Reduction of Corpulence For The Non-CarboHydrate Consuming Gentleman.Anyway, it is indeed a pain in the rear end, and not just 'cos it causes constipation. Mother and me were on it for a week together - a week of feeling ill, being irritable, and not losing and weight after the first three days. Now I know what it's like to have the same headache for a whole week.It sounds like a lovely day out. I could do the same things myself - having an overweight friend, a beach with sharp pebbles, and a flask for tea. But I won't 'cos there's also rain clouds a sewage outlet near the pier. Also very British.Oh well, Where's this fiction about flashing on the beach?

  12. My funky word:Abandon, meaning either1) to leave something alone without protection, or2) wild in unconstrained frenzyComes from the French "Abandonner".According to the OED: "Surrender to natural impulses; freedom from constraint or convention"It's one letter away from "Abadon" - Satan.It has no anagrams, though first three letter rearrange to "Baa", and the first two become "ab" - which is either "abdominal muscle" or a latin prefix indicating negation.An "Aba" is "A sleeveless outer garment of various forms, worn by Arabs.", and homonym of a Swedish pop group.In the 16th century literature there was the related word "Aband", with the same meanings.Rhymes with: Pandan (a Malaysaian shrub), Mandan (a Sioux language), Ugandan, Boundan (the limits of a cricket field), and Undern (literally "3'o'clock in the morning" but figuratively "the evening").Collocation: Abandon ship, Abandon hope all ye who enter, Gay abandon

  13. Is that snow on your bush?Good to know you're finally getting to sell up - hopefully before house prices come crashing around our ears. And maybe you get to move in with the one true love and his keyboard?So you can spend the nights strumming each other's planks.WHAT? What is it about everyone here they've got to see smut in everything? Honestly. :hehe: Congratulations Camy.

  14. So cats are squishy, sociopathic, and uneducable. A bit like babies.Hamsters, mice, rats etc are actually very intelligent, clean and sociable creatures. This means(1) you need to get more than one, or they'll go insane from lonliness, and(2) you can happily keep them in your top pocket at work, where they poke their head out, all whisker-twitchy and bright-eyed, which will provoke either horrified screaming or shameless coo-cooing from your coworkers,I think having a hamster sitting in your shirt is a great way to attract middle-aged women and gay men - the only two groups worth being friends with.And as for dogs, if it's a choice between an evening with a mutt in front of the TV and a night with a 17 year old who's questioning his sexuality...can I have both?

  15. As I recall, it involves hitting a snare drum twice in rapid succession with the left stick, then twice with the right, and repeating. How rapid? Fast enough that you don't much hear the individual hits - more a continuous tone. Generally, rather than try to hit the drumskin twice that rapidly, you let the sticks bounce while pressing them lightly on the drum. You might manage to get three strikes, of lessening impact, this way.It isn't used in pop music, or more than occasionally in Jazz, but you'll know the sound because it's the basic military drum roll.I once studied drumming for 24 hours. And I have absolutely no idea why it's called a paradiddle.

  16. Hi Camy. I finally signed up to AW, and I'm listening to "Broken Heart" now.Very nicely sung, with your usual pitch-perfect range and the kind of emotionality that's intense but believable because not melodramatic. Envious, me? Huh!I also enjoyed the arrangement and production - it's got the sweetness of a typical C & M number, but punchier than before, with more prominent in the bass.With everything that's moving in your pipeline (oo er missus), it looks like the muse has visited and decided to stay. No doubt with his feet on your couch and keeping you awake at odd hours with inspiration.

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