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The Easter Bunny by Pedro


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Why does that date ring a bell, hmm? Oh yes.


Is there a post Brexit sequel, where all computers in the UK implode, and Patrick and (hopefully) Colin get to scrabble about in a muddy field hunting old turnips for lunch?


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10 hours ago, Camy said:


Why does that date ring a bell, hmm? Oh yes.

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Hunting old swedes perhaps, but that is Rutabaga territory and maybe heads towards cannibalism :icon1:


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22 hours ago, Pedro said:

Thank you gentlemen for your enthusiasm.

Now if there are ten chapters and the Dude posts one a week...

should be done just before 31 October. 

Oh, Pedro.... I didn't know you only wanted me to post once a week. 

Chapter Two was scheduled for Saturday as usual posting schedule is twice a week.

Please clarify! 😻


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Stories on Codey's World are posted once a week. That schedule is what I can cope with since I work full-time and don't have time to do twice-a-week posting.

Colin  :icon_geek:

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On 8/15/2019 at 1:36 PM, Camy said:

Chapter 3: oh, the intrigue!

Some have Coronation Street; I have The Easter Bunny. :w00t:

Hehe. I don’t think the Dude or I have the stamina to keep it up three times a week for sixty years.   EB that is.

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Chapter five: hangovers and maleficence. The plots progress on all fronts, and mother is getting involved. :w00t:

Personally, I'd be up for daily, if not hourly, posting. I can't wait to find out what happens next!

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2 hours ago, Cole Parker said:

The only problem with more than twice a week postings is the stories don't last very long that way.  Isn't looking forward to something half the fun?  Think of it as being a kid with Christmas approaching.  Wow, what excitement.  Except here where we don't have holiday poppers.


I see your point, Cole, I really do. But no! We're children of the age of instant gratification where consumption is all, not the waiting for the van to deliver the thing to the store.

As for poppers...! :spank::w00t: 

The bottom line (bottom, snicker) is I'm loving Pedro's story, and I'm happy to wait. 👍

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2 hours ago, Camy said:

The bottom line (bottom, snicker) is I'm loving Pedro's story, and I'm happy to wait. 👍

Thank you for the plaudits but I am afraid you will still have to wait for the next instalment. To make the time seem to go faster, you could try some displacement activity: shopping to make sure you have  tea , butter, bread (for toast) and a nice marmalade ready for when you settle down to read the next instalment over breakfast on Saturday.  

"Bottom, snicker" - as Patrick might say 'now who is the one with the dirty mind'. 

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3 hours ago, Pedro said:

"Bottom, snicker" - as Patrick might say 'now who is the one with the dirty mind'. 

And Patrick would be quite right. Marmalade is important. I'm rather fond of Roses lime... but not tea! It has to be coffee.

Hey ho, Saturday's coming (snicker).

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Chapter 7 and the perfect amount of thickening has been added to the plot. 

I'm rather sweet on mother - a terminator in tweeds. Also, I can't wait to see Doug's father hauled off in handcuffs.

Saturday brings F1 qualifying in Spa and chapter 8. Peachy!   :wav:

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2 hours ago, Camy said:

Saturday brings F1 qualifying in Spa and chapter 8. Peachy!   :wav:

I think my first priority is chapter 8, then qualifying in Spa. I hope chapter 8 is up to Pedro's normal standard, otherwise I know a couple of F1 team members who are going to be upset. I recommended it to them.

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