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Why didn't you hug the raccoon?

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When it comes to promises about pooing, don't trust him.


Maybe it's not a hug he's after. When you have your arms around him, he'll grab your arse. With both hands, or paws. :shock:

It wasn't that bad after all.

To be honest, it was kind of nice. :blush:

In a funny/furry way.......

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Tanuki Raccoon does not suffer fools easily... Here he is eating Wil Ferrell.

If he was eating Wil, shouldn't he be about 3 feet south of his current location? :shock:

*And the thread makes its trip into the gutter...........*

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I hate Wil so that was probably a real photo of me trying to kill him.

I that case I'll hug the raccoon (with his permission of course), leave a bottle of pepto for the bad actor indigestion and some raccoon treats for when you're feeling better.

If you can stop a cultural cancer like Wil Ferrell, you are a national treasure Tanuki Raccoon!


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I am decidedly not a Will Ferrell fan. His type of fiction doesn't do it for me.

However, I did see a rather charming film he was in on HBO the other night. Stranger Than Fiction. Perhaps I liked it because it dealt with writing, but the plot was complex enough I spent a lot of time wondering how they were going to pull it off. I'd recommend it.


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Because I didn't know I was supposed to! But I will. Here's a big hug for you, Tanuki, And I'll give you more hugs and a beautiful meal with Champagne if you ever come to Bristol.

As I've said before, you've done me a power of good and I owe you.



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I that case I'll hug the raccoon (with his permission of course), leave a bottle of pepto for the bad actor indigestion and some raccoon treats for when you're feeling better.

If you can stop a cultural cancer like Wil Ferrell, you are a national treasure Tanuki Raccoon!


Now, if only he could do something about that non-actor, Nicholas Cage, and the loathsome Jim Carrey. I'd not only hug the raccoon, I'd buy him a months supply of antacid and raccoon treats...assuming we avoid the poo thing, of course.


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See? I can behave. In small bursts of about 30 seconds. Sometimes.

My stupid baby brother was like that for years.

Not sure about the past tense, actually.

:shock: TR

:blush: to Raccoon from Maine Coon Man

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