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Everything posted by Camy

  1. Camy


    Oh ... right ... amuse yourselves at my expense ... see if I care. Having worked the morning in ever heavier rain, we were sent home. Not to save us from pneumonia, oh no! Pickers are dispensable. We stopped because Pinot Noir grapes mustn't, once picked, get too wet. They catch cold, and refuse to get involved in making good wine. Bless. I can see their point. Camy
  2. Camy


    This week I'm grape picking for a living. As I write I'm both tired, irascible, and off to bed. Goodnight. The knackered one.
  3. Camy


    Jason! Done deal! Though there will be a bit of a delay, as I have to kick my muse up the arse - and you know how recalcitrant he is .... Camy
  4. Jason,It sounds like you're winning through, which is great!My only piece of advice is regarding: 'Never' is hell. 'Never' will taunt you, and eventually, no matter how good the intention, break you. Take it day by day: it's much easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel, if the tunnel is short.'Somewhere in between' is a great place to be!Camy
  5. Camy


    Iraq by Camy written on the 7th October 2007 after reading 'Rainbow Warrior' by Jason R. Was it right for our politicians to cozen us so? Was it right to invade without a unanimous 'go'? Was it right to attack with missiles and bombs, while reporters reported with western aplomb? "They could destroy us all!" We were told. We must help our friends - be in the fold. We’ll topple saddam he's a bad, bad man … and control their oil - that's a fucking good plan! But what of those who live peaceful lives? Who struggle to love, laugh and survive. Who have no idea of the hell we'll cause, as we sunder their country, and hope for applause. Is it wrong they fight back with whatever's to hand? Is it wrong they believe in jihad for their land? Is it wrong they fight 'foul', and blow themselves up? Is it wrong they ask Allah to give them some luck? Zing zing zing the bullets go. Crump kaboom a cartoon show. But the blood’s too real, the pain’s obscene. An abhorred invasion on the tv screen. was it wrong? How can it possibly be right? --- The whole concept of war terrifies me, though I used to play at war as a kid, much like all kids. I have nothing but admiration for those who join up to fight for their countries believing they are fighting a just cause. It's just that I don't believe Iraq is a just war. The solders of all countries who are dying out there, are dying for politicians, oil, and the conglomerates who will make a fortune 're-building' - if it ever comes to that, which is doubtful. Sorry for the naive waffle.
  6. Jason, I really hope your poem was about the abstract, not the particular. Not that it matters either way. It's all horrible. It's a good piece. I know, because it got me thinking - like most of your poetry does. Camy
  7. Oh YES!!!! I'll send you a pm with some information. It's not difficult! The crazy emu.
  8. Jason, Brilliant, poignant, bittersweet. Your poetry gets better and better. The thing is - and I know you won't like the idea - I want to hear you read it. You'll probably say no, but think about it. Please. Camy
  9. Camy

    Meh 4,271

    Meh 4,271 Why are all my blog entries so ... depressing? I'm not normally a depressed person, but then I suppose there is no normality to my life any more. I feel like I'm drifting - oh for a boat - and have entered the doldrums. The sails are up, but *insert deity of choice* has switched of the wind. The fucker. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. That's all I can think of. And I'm sooooo tempted to pack a bag, and vanish. Yeah right. Not like it's going to happen. But the thought is like a lifeline. The idea that I could. Disappear. When I was small I read George Orwell's 'Down and out in Paris and London.' It's a wonderful, wonderful book - provided you're reading it with a full stomach, in a cosy room, with a warm drink to hand. I also read 'The Autobiography of a Super Tramp'. The idea is rather appealing ... but the actuality. Maybe twenty years ago. Maybe tomorrow .... I just do not know. And there lies the problem. I'm surrounded by idiots, but the biggest idiot looks back at me from the mirror. I should never have given up drugs. At least they dull the constant yearning for ...? Yep. The grass is always greener. So, I'm going to have another go at NaNoWriMo. If anyone feels up to taking part I can honestly say it's BIG FUN! Now, I'm off to steal a kiss from my beloved ... hmm ... take a kiss? Have a kiss? Kiss? Whatever. It'll be nice. Camy PS if you haven't read Jason Rimbaud's 'The Finale', then do. It's excellent, though sad.
  10. MORT by Terry Pratchett being the best. If you haven't read it, do!
  11. Camy


    Giddy is good!I don't want to come over as a prune, or try and give you any advice (worth taking). Oh hell, yes I do. Bear in mind that for 'you two' to work, he's going to have to get to know the real you - sooner or later. So ... don't create a pseudo you that's too far from the real you. If you do it'll be hard to keep up, and even harder to reveal the real you later on. That probably makes no sense at all, but was meant with the best will in the world.The best of luck!Camy
  12. My attempted sarcasm obviously didn't work.
  13. I finally got to the end of this. It's overly long, and could do with an edit for length (though I wouldn't know where to start). To be honest I found that though parts of it are without doubt brilliant, it morphed from a well written story into a ... somewhat artsy 'something' else - though don't ask me to define the 'something', I haven't the brain. I'm glad I read it. Camy
  14. No, and I'm truly surprised. *looks surprised*Which reminds me. I must go and play with my braincell. You know what they say: 'Early to bed, early to rise!' *chortle*Camy
  15. Camy


    I've recently seen 'menstruations' used instead of 'ministrations'
  16. I thought I'd read one of the recommended stories, so after checking out a few I settled on 'Alone Together'. It has a flashy banner saying 'NEW' and was in the 'Stories on Nifty' section. I won't read anything that's incomplete as it drives me up the wall. Alone Together is 46 chapters and a good - if rather rambling read. However when I got to chapter 46 I was rather dismayed. Actually that's putting it mildy. FECKIN' angry is closer to the mark. This is chapter 46: This should be in the incomplete story section as the above was posted in 2004. Camy the annoyed.
  17. Umm ... I guess I must have been, yes. I feel for anyone who's nob is shaped like a rack (toast rack?)
  18. Camy


    Glad I'm not alone in that, then! I'm so soooooo lucky, in that deep down I knew he felt the same. If I was all alone I'd be terrified of having to go looking to meet someone. But you have to be pro-active, Blue. It'll be worth it!!! Not only a donut rack, but he sings too! What's not to adore?
  19. Boyfriend, computer, fence: good. Vista bad.Donut rack? The mind boggles. :icon11:Camy
  20. Labels. You can't escape them. And what is losing your virginity? Is it penetration, or is it cumming at the hands of another? Hmm? I lost my virginity to a girl at 18 or to a guy at 14. In hindsight I wish I'd been more of a tart at school. There was a lot I missed out on. Though I'm forever grateful I was on the stage crew.
  21. I just thought I'd say how good the new site site looks. Kudos on the sterling work! Camy
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