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Everything posted by Camy

  1. I've always liked writing, but never thought about it seriously until the Anthology at GA in spring of 2006, when I wrote 'JJ and the Boys.' I carried on from there. In the main I write short stories, and some of those less than 2000 words. Shorts are great because that's it, and you're not obliged to carry on - unless you're writing a string of them. 'Seraph'- my only serial - has one chapter left to go ... but as my muse has taken a leave of absence from it I'm stuck. 'Harvest Time' (NaNoWriMo 2007) is probably the best thing I've written (no hubris intended) but it's not finished yet, and I'm terrified of the amount of work involved in editing it. As to ideas, I have not the vaguest. I'm a 'pantser', so I start and see where it takes me. I really REALLY wanted to plan the last NaNo - have a written outline, know my characters etc, etc ... But I never have been able to plan, no matter how much easier it would be if I did. That's me. Camy
  2. Progress Bytes by Camy Bleak black bastard of a crappy day The bank phones many times Hip hip hooray you've answered the phone "you're overdrawn you worthless swine". "Are you calling from the local branch?" "No, the branches are all closed down. We're calling from Mumbai in India. Where it's cheaper, you stupid clown!" Computers make the world go around Your skills are now worthless to us Redundancy is the brand new black You're FIRED! Don't make a fuss. So we'll wander the streets laptops in bags What's in store for humanities future? Luddites we'll be: come one and come all For computers are not nature or nurture Societal change brings inevitable pain It lurches and leaps - prods us forwards Silicon chips are ringing the death knell for those who never thought they were backwards Whilst the state is cowed by conglomerate power And Politicians are run by their backers We have no real say no matter our thoughts As the ones with real power are hackers So the shop on the corner is gone for good As supermarkets are so much cheaper And the world that I live in my grandpa wouldn't know And he'd say: "dig my grave a lot deeper." --- Written on 4th December 2007
  3. I'm fairly much at a loss too, though by reading it aloud I got a lot out of it. I especially like: You just dropped the warhead That sits in everybody?s pantry The kind of cemented deniability Even hubris can?t feed and We never made it You got high And I got jaded Umm ... Any kind of explanation, Gabe? There is normally meaning to be found in your poetry, but all I can think of is free writing. It sounds as if the last two quoted lines could read: I got High And you got jaded Camy
  4. Is there some other way out of here Other than driven by our own fear Maybe appeal, of those we hold dear Self reliance abandoned, that much is clear But am I leaving or running away By not moving from where I stay Faltering, each and every day No, there must be another way I must search out the reason why More so now that I feel the end is nigh Loneliness rules; I refuse to die Without knowing, why am I? If I step back and look for clues Willing, as always, to pay my dues What will I find, and what will I lose?
  5. Wow! ... Yeah, thanks for that Des. :stare:It's good, though rather *howls* depressing.Try this
  6. Ditto, though I'm not sure what a Hobart mixer is, It doesn't sound nice. Hmm ... a garish cocktail in New Zealand, maybe?So ... where was I? Oh yes!What Happened????
  7. Camy


    I like Jason very much! Erm ... the name, that is. *cheesy grin, slinks off*Phew, I got away with that one, then. Camy
  8. Ask and ye shall receive! Chapter nine was a doozy. Becky is a wonderfully written character. I had a 'Becky' once, and it was - - - - - Ad infinitum. *shakes head* Girls. Anyway. I have to say this two chapters a week malarkey is driving me up the wall. Could we have a chapter a day, perhaps? Or one an hour would be even better. Camy
  9. Isn't it time for chapter 9?
  10. Wow! How wonderful. I agree with the concise Raccoon.Camy
  11. Camy


    The 2007 NaNoWriMo is finished! Thank the stars. I wrote a story called 'Harvest Time' which started off one thing, and ended up something else entirely - there is no accounting for my muse's whim. It's not finished, but hopefully will be soon, and then It'll be edited and released chapter by chapter. It's sequelesque to Nyquist and Feredir. Camy
  12. I'm shocked! To think that I actually know one of those ... people.Dang.That means another few years of therapy ... nudge nudge, wink wink ... what's it like?C
  13. Naked emoticons dancing. See it here!
  14. Camy

    J's Resurrection

    I keep thinking about Jason's blog entry. I keep thinking 'and there by the grace of God go I' but that's entirely wrong. I have been there in my own way. Similar but different. I keep being told that addiction is a personality trait, and therefore genetic. In other words we are pre-programmed to self destruct. And I wonder is that right? Are there addictive personalities or is it just modern day psycho babble to excuse a whole tranche of society for misbehaving? When I was small I was a classic case of ADHD. But then when I was small that nifty acronym hadn't been thought up. I was classified as naughty: occasionally thrashed for it and sent to child psychologists. Not a sniff of Ritalin, or anything else. The one addiction I'm thankful I don't suffer from is alcohol. One majorly major hangover was enough to put me off for life. The rest (nudge nudge - a nod's as good as a wink to a blind man) I'd still be happy to 'suffer from', except for the outrageous cost: that and the inconvenience of possible jail time. Then there's sex. Can you be addicted to sex? I'd say yes. If you can be addicted to powders that change your mood, why not to the ultimate high? I have no idea where I'm going with this, so I'll thank Jason for his post and the thoughts it engendered, and stop. Ave.
  15. At last.Good on you Jason. Good on you.Camy x
  16. Camy

    The world of Emu

    I ain't blogged in an age, so seeing as how I'm in the mood I thought I would. I'm now past halfway in my NaNoWriMo tale 'Harvest Time', which started out being one thing and has now turned into something else. I still have faith that it will be a good something else, but who knows. That's the trouble with being a pantser. One the one hand it's like exploring a vast empty city - you're constantly surprised - and on the other you really, really wish you'd thought about it a bit before you set off, and had a map. I went through my 'work in progress' folder yesterday, and found a whole slew of stories that I'd forgotten I'd started. It was actually rather nice, 'cause I read them fresh, and with dispassion. There are painters who hang up a bunch of canvases, then paint them as they see fit. If they get stuck with one they move on to another - which is all very well, provided at some point you finish them. I feel similar, though I have almost too many half written and not enough close to being finished. Hmm. And then there's The Dude! He shocked the hell out of me the other day, by saying he wanted me to be part of the AD Family of sites. I don't have a webcam, so he missed the point where I fell off my chair and hastily dusted myself off. He also missed the dance I did ... which was like this - but for one: The cats told me it was 'entertaining'. Then - 'cause I'm a total moron with money, my bank hates me, and I couldn't do it myself - Dude organises camysgaff.com. There was a repeat of the falling off the chair followed a dance thing. Though this time cats stalked off shaking their heads. The best thing was that when I woke up the next morning, it wasn't all a dream! Back to 'Harvest Time' Camy
  17. So, to like country music you have to have a cold fire on your head in the shape of a beanie? I don't understand.
  18. Okay, let me partially change my mind. It would be nice if we had the facility to chat. Then we could have organised 'get to-gethers', 'write ins', and other things. My only concern would be cost to usage. If that isn't a concern, then move my vote from 'maybe' to 'yes'. Camy
  19. Nature vs Nurture is an old chestnut, but this article makes interesting reading: Genetics Plays A Role In The Sexual Orientation In Men 'They found that the posterior part of the corpus callosum is larger in homosexual than heterosexual men.' I'm pretty damn sure my upbringing had nothing to do with the size of my posterior corpus callosum. Anyway, it seems we need an MRI. Anyone want to chip in? We could keep it in Wibby's garage. Camy
  20. I voted 'maybe'. I'm not averse to hanging out in chat, but as Des has said, it can waste an awful lot of time. And what's the cost? We had chat here once, and it was seldom used. I can - hand on heart - say I almost went in there once. Admittedly, on holidays like Christmas it would be cool, and who knows, I might become a chat whore ... then again I might not. Camy
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