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Study shows gay men have larger penises than straight men.


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...Just sayin'.

Thanks again, science.

Note: Shortly after this study, all the scientists involved looked at each other uncomfortably and then started shouting "I'm gay!" "Well, I'm gayer than you!" "I'm the gayest man in this room!"

While it should not be news to any of us here that our schlongs are larger than most, I do find it remarkable and unexpected the EleCivil stays abreast of issues of this sort by reading the abstracts from the US National Library of Medicine.

Thanks for that, E/C. None of the rest of us have the time for that. :wav:


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I was amazed at the number of commentaries on this particular study that can be found on the internet. There are numerous criticisms of the factual reliability of penis size claims as disclosed by the Kinsey study. Here is a typical critique:

'...the study's fatal flaw, if I may, is its reliance on self-reported data. The straight and gay men in the study were asked to measure themselves and report back to creepy Dr. Kinsey, so odds are good that many men, straight and gay, lied, telling researchers what they, the subjects of the study, wanted to believe -- i.e. that their cocks were huge. I would knock an inch off both averages just to be on the safe side, bringing the average -- average, mind you -- gay cock down to 5.46 inches, and the average straight cock down to 5.14 inches; numbers which jibe with my own observations in the field.' (Dan Savage)

Bottom line, we just have more size queens.


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While it should not be news to any of us here that our schlongs are larger than most, I do find it remarkable and unexpected the EleCivil stays abreast of issues of this sort by reading the abstracts from the US National Library of Medicine.

Thanks for that, E/C. None of the rest of us have the time for that. :wav:

Hey, EleCivil has to do this kind of in-depth investigation because he's a teacher and the teacher's motto is "Always be prepared" because they never know what their next assignment might be. :wav:

Colin :wav:

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While it should not be news to any of us here that our schlongs are larger than most, I do find it remarkable and unexpected the EleCivil stays abreast of issues of this sort by reading the abstracts from the US National Library of Medicine.

Thanks for that, E/C. None of the rest of us have the time for that. :wav:


Hahaha. This article was actually forwarded by a colleague of mine, and I figured you guys would get a kick out of it. We have sort of an unofficial "who can find the strangest research abstract in a professional journal" contest going on.

Yes, this is what science teachers do for fun.

I was amazed at the number of commentaries on this particular study that can be found on the internet. There are numerous criticisms of the factual reliability of penis size claims as disclosed by the Kinsey study. Here is a typical critique:

'...the study's fatal flaw, if I may, is its reliance on self-reported data. The straight and gay men in the study were asked to measure themselves and report back to creepy Dr. Kinsey, so odds are good that many men, straight and gay, lied, telling researchers what they, the subjects of the study, wanted to believe -- i.e. that their cocks were huge. I would knock an inch off both averages just to be on the safe side, bringing the average -- average, mind you -- gay cock down to 5.46 inches, and the average straight cock down to 5.14 inches; numbers which jibe with my own observations in the field.' (Dan Savage)

Bottom line, we just have more size queens.


Haha, truth. I thought the funniest thing about this study wasn't the study itself, but the method. It seems faulty right from the start - sorting all of the subjects into a strict binary of "gay" or "straight"? Is there a way, scientifically, to prove that the men who claimed to be straight were actually straight? Did they take race/ethnicity into consideration? What about bisexuals? Etc.

But, no, the funniest thing is that they mailed tape measures to five thousand guys and said "Be honest, fellas."

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Ah, now I get it. The tape measures sent to the gay guys had the inch markings set closer together.


Of course! They were measuring in "Gay Inches." It's like Dog Years, only sexier.

'Course, this is scientific measurement, so they may have been in metric "Homometers."

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Of course! They were measuring in "Gay Inches." It's like Dog Years, only sexier.

'Course, this is scientific measurement, so they may have been in metric "Homometers."

That's pronounced ho-mom-eters. No homos around here! :wav:

Colin :wav:

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...wouldn't ho-MOM-eters be for women wanting to check their sons' development?


And I wpuld say that some people have a dirty mind. Shame on you, Cole! :wav:

Colin :wav:

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I was gonna jump in and complain about the direction this thread was headed in... but was reminded of what a friend once told me... that he can always determine at the beginning of a gay porn flic who will end up the 'bottom.' He said it's always the guy with the biggest... erm, 'endowment.' Would a bottom be gayer than a top? Therefore, MUCH gayer than a straight man?


Mind you, I have no experience of viewing such material... so it's just second 'hand' speculation!


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Would a bottom be gayer than a top?

I think that's a zen koan.

"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

"If a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it, does it make a sound?"

"If you look at two dudes having sex, which one is gayer - the bottom, the top, or you, for looking at them?"

And, yes, we have now discussed systems of measurement, the scientific method, syllable stressing, and zen koans in a thread about wangs.

You're welcome.

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I think that's a zen koan.

"What is the sound of one hand clapping?"

"If a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it, does it make a sound?"

"If you look at two dudes having sex, which one is gayer - the bottom, the top, or you, for looking at them?"

And, yes, we have now discussed systems of measurement, the scientific method, syllable stressing, and zen koans in a thread about wangs.

You're welcome.

And to extend the tree in the forest analogy, if no one is watching them, is it really gay sex?


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And to extend the tree in the forest analogy, if no one is watching them, is it really gay sex?


They have to be watching and cheering. :cry:

Colin :razz:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Um, prob'ly gayer if you're participating, not just watching.

Gee, would it be gayer if some guy is getting measured.... Uh....

Never mind, I think if I keep on like that....

You know, almost any way I end that sentence sounds more risqué than intended.

I got a better laugh than I've had all week out of reading this thread. Thanks, guys.

Blue thinks it's too bad he didn't have a lab partner to do field research in that area of biology, during his formative years.

Blue regrets that no one explained to him that if he'd actually been brave enough to look around in the locker room, he might've seen if anybody was looking back.

Blue also notes that in the fields of athletic endeavor, no one explained the possible benefits of...wrestling...as anything other than roughhousing and getting the crap beat out of oneself.

Who is Blue kidding? Sixth grade swimming was fun, but the part about changing before and after, and some of the physical reactions to, ah, athletic activity during, were...both enlightening and embarrassing. Why can't they assign like-minded swim buddies or something? Or maybe that should be, like-bodied swim buddies. Yes, uh, yes definitely.

Blue was one of those weird kids hanging out with the English and foreign language and journalism and computer geeks. Blue should've been hanging out some more with friends of his in the theatre arts and choir departments.

Blue pretty much knew it was not necessarily healthy to hang around some of the guys in letter jackets, because most of them were not exactly the friendly and understanding types. (That's overstated. Several of those guys were nice guys. It was the mean ones who weren't.)

Blue applauds the field of scientific endeavor and EleCivil's usual tenacity in careful research and teaching.

Blue wonders why he switched to pompous third person like that.

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