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Everything posted by Camy

  1. Phew, thank goodness. I was beginning to get antsy withdrawal symptoms. Thanks to Graeme, the Dude, and all those good internet sprites who persevered to bring the forums back. Camy a happy Emu
  2. I liked this a lot, and am looking forward to the next chapter with anticipation. Camy PS you mentioned 'replay' in your intro. Is this the novel where, in one of his lifetimes, he employs Speilberg to direct?
  3. Five? FIVE! Blimey, that's advanced. I don't think this counts. To be caught doing something wrong, surely you must know it's wrong to begin with, and at five you don't. When I first started 'thinking' about guys I do remember the guilt, the feeling of being BAD, and how wrong it was... though I don't remember why I thought it was wrong. That's for another thread. Camy
  4. Yeah but you were probably seen by lots of people. I should probably check YouTube for the video :) Do YouTube show wax cylinders? Actually, we were behind a chimney stack - the pigeons were the only ones shocked.
  5. Stupid poll thing. Or it might be a shoddy workman blaming his tool. ;) Still, I think I got what I was after, and without bloodshed! Camy
  6. Hahahahahaha! Ok, so on the roof of my house with a friend when I was 12. We weren't caught. Camy the blushing emu.
  7. You're a bad, bad man, Jason Bwahahaha!
  8. Good on both of you! I'd probably have done the same (had I thought of it). Scorpions I'd leave alone as they get kinda annoyed.
  9. This is my first poll, so I'm sure I've left some obvious choices off it. I'm intrigued as to reading choices. Personally I like a good serial, provided I have a fair chance of living to see it finished.... Then there are those that never get finished . It also annoys me if it's so long between posts I have to go back to the beginning every time a new chapter goes up. How about you?
  10. Yep, I'm a 'Dudeist', and proud! Camy
  11. Fascinating thread! In the UK the only class structure today is Money. Those with it, the 'nouveau rich' are the new upper class, frequently buying stately piles that aristocrats can't afford any more - and turning them into hideous hotels or apartment complexes... Quite apart from the fact that the House of Lords no longer has true 'Lords', just those appointed by government quangos. It's rather sad, but then the world is changing... We still - luckily - have a Royal family. But then they are actually German.
  12. My boarding school in the UK was split into houses. Each house had a House Master and a deputy who were adult teachers. The House Master appointed House Prefects (HP's - like Lords) out of which one was a House Captain, and House Officials (wannabee's and generally disliked). The House Officials (HO's) had next to no power, whereas the House Prefects could give detention, lines, or both - and send you to the House Master who could slipper or cane you ... mine only used the slipper (thanks be). The House Prefects voted on and elected School Prefects (SP's - like Gods) who could do virtually anything. The HP's could give you four pages of lines, the SP's six pages. If you got sent to the Head Master (who caned very hard) it was BAD NEWS! We also had fagging. Juniors who got paid to work for House Prefects. No prefect could physically hit a boy, though the House Captain could recommend it to the House Master. For some arcane reason private fee paying schools in the UK are called 'Public Schools'. I hope this helps. *shudder* Camy
  13. WTF! I am in awe, total awe. Me too. I'd written a couple of shorts, and wanted to tackle a longer piece. I assumed you wrote a chapter and posted - it never occurred to me to complete it first, and then post! Duh. Also, I just started with an idea and let it run away on its own. No sign of an outline ... which is really stupid. I suppose the upside is that it makes it interesting on a daily basis, the downside is continuity, though my editor takes care of that. In a perfect world I'd have a well thought out outline, and cards with character details on, and write until 'the end', edit, and then post on a weekly basis... but then life isn't perfect, and neither am I!
  14. I think Trab probably hit the nail on the head: I'm mortified, upset, blown away, and feel marginally guilty for some reason. Thank you Dude. It was wonderful, really wonderful, while it lasted.
  15. Whatever you do, don't label yourself with a 'syndrome' and don't stop writing these wonderful blog entries. Laugh? I nearly wet myself... You've got the basis for a really good comedy sketch!More seriously: we are all wired differently. I believe that if you give yourself, or are given a label, for whatever you think you're suffering from, that label will never go...Happy New Year,Camy
  16. I'm loving this. The concept is wonderful, the calendar presentation perfect, and the stories ... incredibly, not a filler in sight. If you haven't started reading these, then do ... I'm rapidly becoming a Cole Parker 'fan'. Camy
  17. Happy 2007 to everyone at AD! Lets make it a great year! Camy - it's a wild and windy January 1st in the UK!
  18. Might I humbly suggest you read this: http://asknerd.net/bestregistrycleaner.html I know not a lot about the windows registry, except it gives me grief, and my pc takes around 10 mins to boot up...
  19. Obnoxious and bad? Moi? Oh no, no, no. It's another Emu you're thinking of.---Obnoxious Emu's roam the plainEnquiring about socks and frogs in rainNow they know Jason's kitchen's blueIt's another tick on the listEmus plan to rule the worldThe plan is secret, their flag's still furledNow they know Jason's socks all matchIt's another tick on the list
  20. Shouldn't that be meat? - sorry. 'tis a wonderful idea!
  21. You didn't answer any of my questions, like: 'how many matching socks do you have?' or 'What colour (color for those without OED's) is your kitchen?' and most importantly 'When it rains frogs, what does this mean?'Miffed. Camy
  22. Dear TR, Please don't be depressed. On the basis that all publicity is good publicity you should be happy that your writing creates a stir. Writing out of the box is totally valid, but don't be surprised if your readers get twitchy. You push the boundaries of the moral framework, and some will object. As to basket weaving; for sure - why not, just don't let it interfere with your writing... Camy
  23. I agree with this entirely. Unless he's sending you a large cheque!
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