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Cole Parker

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Blog Comments posted by Cole Parker

  1. Trab, as usual, makes a lot of sense.I can offer another reason for Mark's behavior. It could be simply that he wants you to know that he's comfortable with you. He came across originally as anti-gay, and he now is your friend, he's said that to you, and he now wants to act that way, to show you he's not afraid of personal contact with you, to show you that you being gay is no problem at all for him. That's a possibility.Human relations are so complex, and feelings are so changeable from one minute to the next, and he could have several motivations for what he did. But trust is implicit in all of them.If you want to know what to do, I'll offer a piece of advice for you to think about. From my perspective it's a perfect one, but you'll have misgivings about it for sure. It's this.Print out that blog entry and give it to him to read. You're such a good writer, and have put so much of yourself, your real, true self into that piece of writing, that no one could read it without coming away knowing so much more about you, and feeling a true empathy with you, and a friend, which Mark certainly has shown himself to be, would be honored to read that. After doing so, he would have to then explain himself to you; how could he not? I don't see a downside to doing this, unless it's you simply cannot bare yourself quite to the degree that letting him read that would do.I love the fact you've given up cocaine. You're too valuable a human being to kill yourself with it. You're too special to have your wits dulled to that degree. You don't like being able to feel everything, all the pain that is there in living. But you're dulling the happiness, too, and life is filled with the one as much as the other. I think you're starting to feel that now.Please keep writing. I know you're okay when you're doing that.C

  2. What an extraordinary post.You've had lots of shackles to break free from, and you've accomplished that with the hardest ones of all. You're future is what you make of it, and you'll be doing it entirely on your own, but that's been the case for some times now. You have the strength to do that.Everyone here is pulling for you as hard as they can.Don't let yourself down.C

  3. Swedish Bitters must be great stuff: they don't sell it over here. At least not that I'm aware of. Our pharmaceudical companies certainly wouldn't want some foreign product that actually worked on our supermarket shelves. They proababy have it banned.C

  4. Rad:You're an incredibly talented writer. You can take basically nothing and make it fascinating. That's what separates people like you from hacks. You really know how to entangle a reader in your story, and make him want, or need, more.The question I have is, what this story makes me ask is, when you started this, did you have a goal, an end, in mind? If not, I can understand you stalling like you did. It's so easy to start stories, but if your destination isn't clear in your mind, it's also easy to then abandon them. I think a lot of us start more stories than we finish. I do. The ones I finish, however, are the ones where I know the outcome as well as the beginning when I start out.You got us engrossed in both the man and the boy. I hope you finish this. You have a lot of talent.ColePS: As you're writing in English, you want to use English idiom. People writing in English never use the word 'stuffs'. I understand the urge, as you're using it to mean 'things'. But 'stuff' is one of those collective sorts of words. It should be singular. (And I know I'm picking at nits. Great, great job here.)

  5. Where are you, Camy? Surely they don't grow Pinot Noir grapes in Surrey, do they? Or Yorkshire or even Scotland? Somehow I had the impression your soil was good for making pottery out of but not for nurturing the delicate Pinot Noir grape.So you must be elsewhere. France? Parles vous Francias? Mais oui, naturalement. You attended public school. They certainly wouldn't have missed teaching you the classic languages.But I digress. I was wondering where you are? Are you traveling on the continent? And why did you take employment as a picker? Is this some sort of vacation camp where you pay to pick someone's grapes?I always thought the British has a touch of the balmy in them.<g>C

  6. "I could imagine the b/f coming home and finding my remains all wrinkled by the running water and telling me I had aged quite noticeably since this morning." Quote from DesHey, that's my kind of quirky b/f. I like this guy already. With that kind of a sense of humor, I see why you remain so young at heart.I understand broken ribs hurt quite a lot when you laugh. I hope he doesn't make this comment while you're still lying there under the now tepid shower spray.C

  7. The problem with running away from it all is, when you get to your destination, you'll still be you. And that's ultimately what you're running from.Midlife crisis? I don't know anyone who's passed that period and hasn't sunk into the doldrums. We see life passing us by, see fewer possibilities ahead, realize our time is finite, regret chances we never took, opportunities that slipped away. But Camy, you have too polished a sense of humor, a sense of the ironic, to let this get you too far down. You're far too intelligent to allow your emotions tear you apart like this. This too will pass. It's simply up to you to make sure it happens.For all our sakes. Where would we be if we didn't have to wade daily through the Emu poo?C

  8. I'm the last person in the world to get involved in computer software discussions, but I do like to add my voice to the opposition when I can. I got Vista near the beginning because I happened to buy a new computer then. I hated Vista when I first got it because it was so different from XP. However, I've become used to it, and it seems to be more stable than XP. So, it isn't all bad, and does grow on you.And Des, the best part of your message was, you replaced the fence, you replaced the computer, but you kept the boyfriend. We older folk appreciated that kind of loyalty.Cole

  9. Hey, guys, might I suggest a compromise? They invented something called the king-sized bed a year or several ago. It's great for cuddling, and for rolling over and then over again and being very separate when you drift into dreamland, if that's your somewhat antisocial wont. So, you can have the best of both worlds, and for you self-identified misanthropes, you'll get your full eight, even if they are lonely.C

  10. Apropos of nothing but the title of this thread, and in admiration of Trab's pedantry (that's with an AN, not an ES, people!), and because I love the wit in this lyric, I submit the following.La la! It's May!The lusty month of May!That darling month when ev'ryone throwsSelf-control away. It's time to doA wretched thing or two.And try to make each precious dayOne you'll always rue. It's May! It's May!The month of "yes, you may,"The time for ev'ry frivolous whim,Proper or "im". It's wild! It's gay!A blot in ev'ry way.The birds and the bees with all of their vastAmorous pastGaze at the human race aghastThe lusty month of May! Tra la! It's May!The lusty month of May! That lovely month when ev'ryone goesBlissfully astray. Tra la! It's here!That shocking time of year!When tons of wicked little thoughtsMerrily appear. It's May! It's May!The month of great dismay;When all the world is brimming with fun,Wholesome or "un". It's mad! It's gay!A libelous display.Those dreary vows that ev'ryone takes,Ev'ryone breaks.Ev'ryone makes divine mistakesThe lusty month of May! Learner and Lowe have a lot to be proud of.Cole

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