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Cole Parker

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Blog Comments posted by Cole Parker

  1. There is of course some truth in this. But I can dissent a little, too.

    Over here, on this side of the world, we have what is called OSHA -- the Occupational Saftey and Health Act, which has been the law of the land since the '70's. It's a vast, far-reaching law that was enacted to improve working conditions for employees. You probably have something similar.

    If an employee here is asked to do something he feels isn't safe or would endanger his heath, he has the legal right to complain, and to not obey the directive until the situation has been artibrated by a neutral party and someone in a management positon above the person who gave the order. And no repercussions are permitted against the person who complained. This protects both the worker and the company, and greatly reduces accidents and lawsuits.

    Another bone to pick. You say companies back their middle management and will side with them against employees. Well, yes and no. The company is most interested in protecting it's investment in the workplace and continuing it's profitability. If a manager is as inept as the ones you're talking about, inevitably the profitability of his section will suffer. As that happens, he'll be called to task and then replaced. Happens all the time. So an inept manager is not backed the way you seem to feel it happens, at least not in the long run. In the short term, maybe.

    I've worked within both systems, with bosses who try to intimidate workers with threats and an atmosphere of fear, and those who are detached enough that they want to issue orders but not get involved in the details, but blame you if things go wrong. Both are incredibly difficult to work under.

    I managed for many years. In the latter stages of my career, I'd learned to trust my people and gave them pretty much cate blance on running their own operations. When I began that, profits, efficiency and worker satisfaction all soared. And what was upper management's reaction? They thought I was way too soft on my employees and didn't trust what I was doint at all. They'd come up through the intimidation method, and didn't trust anything else. And to me, that was the worst management system going.


  2. If all stories followed that scheme, it would become boring to read. That said, however, there are many variations on that theme possible, and it certainly is a set-up for a good action adventure.

    You're right when you say it's most appropriate for a sword and sorcery spectacular. Probably wouldn't work as well for an entangled psychologically-based study of relationships.


  3. The question is, is it wise to ask the chief of police why the gear shaft wasn't taken for fingerprinting. Yeah, it might piss him off, but what help are you getting anyway? I think it's more possible that the chief would be a political animal and would kick some ass because that's the side the papers and muc of the public would be on. It looks bad to show malfeasance all the way to the top in the police department. I think he'd act in your behalf.


  4. I am currently corresponding with a teenager who lives in South Africa. He seems to know English, though I'm not sure. What he uses when he writes me is a new language for me, though I'm pretty sure teens here could understand it better than I do.

    He uses some sort of cellphone text speak. Abbreviates words and phrases, writes phonetically, doesn't bother with capitals, and I think I could decipher whatever language is spoken there--Africaans, Zulu, Sotho?--better than I can this.

    But the two of us seem to get along. It teaches me patience, and that language's main purpose it to convey meaning, not to show how smart we are by using arcane and esoteric words.


  5. A wonderful and scintillating first post. Camy rarely gets it wrong.

    I think what you're saying is a truth we all learn as we go along. Life is complicated. Life for me isn't the same as life for you. I don't understand the motivaiton most people have to want us all to be the same. I think it's a young person's view. Young people aren't especially adroit at thinking. They like to act, not think. As we reach into our golden years, it turns around, our heads get more use, and we realize truths we ingnore when younger.

    You sound like you've lived a life different from many. I've found that people who have to hesitate when asked if they're straight often have lived different lives. If that's true, you're not only welcome here, you fit in with the crowd. What we most cherish here is wit and words. I have a feeling we'll get both from you.


  6. Isn't NaNo simply an artifical impetus? Sometimes when we're blocked we need something like that, but you have this hunger to write something fine and reflective of your abilities. You don't really need any outside agency to spur you along with that. You're such a fine writer with a unique vision and great sensibilities. You simply must pick a subject about which to write, then add your own characters, which you create beautifully, ones whose personalities will illuminate the conflicts within your story, figure out where it's going to go and what it's ultimately going to say, and have at it. None of this is beyond you, and you know this!

    Some guy with a long last name and lots of money said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Does that ring a bell?


  7. I really think we've come a ways forward, societally. Individually, people are still people and will act like they do. I hear so many success stories of kids in school being themselves and other kids treating them like they're simply another variation on the theme. Then there are the schools and bullies we read about that are so heartbreaking. I really do think school administrators should be held more accountable. So many deny anything is wrong. As in the Larry King case. The pricipal kept claiming there wasn't anything more they could do. Which is a load of hogwash. Adults in responsible positions monitoring kids need more training, and possibly removal from their jobs if an attitude adjustment isn't forthcoming. But in today's economic climate where teachers are being given more and more to do that has nothing to do with teaching, where classroom aids are being cut along with the budget for essential classroom supplies, where libraries are being closed and another safe haven disappears, there are fewer eyes to watch what goes on on the playgrounds and in hallways and restrooms. Kids need supervision. Without it, bullying will thrive. Perhaps harsher penalties for the bullies would help. But if the people in charge don't see it as a problem, that'll never happen.C C

  8. Everyone who writes will have a different slant on this, but is seems to me you're putting the cart before the horse. You're looking at the number of words you want instead of what story you want to tell.You have to have an idea you want to explore and develop. You have to decide the characteristics of the folk you'll people this tale with, what is needed to allow you to best tell the story. You have to know where the story is going. For me, that's the element that's most elusive; unless I have that in mind to write toward, I never finish what I start.But, when you have the story ideal, some idea of characters and what the end will be, then you're ready. How you structure the story will determine how long it will be. Writing a short story demands a tight focus, not much peripheral material being added, and a race to the finish line. A novel takes a slower approach, a stroll rather than a race, and a lot of looking at the countryside as you walk past it. You get to introduce interesting side issues that can illuminate facets of the story that wouldn't get revealed if this were to be a short piece.If anyone is capable of this, Camy, it's you. Everything you write sparkles and draws the reader in. Don't change your style, your wit, you endearing feel for humanity. Do it all the same. But expand your focus, perhaps include more characters, and don't begin by rushing toward what your end is. Be relaxed, know you'll get there when the time is right for your characters, and have faith. Let the story play out as it will. There's no doubt at all you can do it.C

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