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Bruin Fisher

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Blog Comments posted by Bruin Fisher

  1. Hmm, sometimes better the devil you know...Still, if you gradually sort out the problems with the car, it will become the devil you know!Apparently the cutegaragechap.com website is down at the moment (heavy traffic?!) so you'll have to make do with us!

  2. And the monstrous 'credit crunch' bites in Australia, too. So sorry you've been the victim of the beast, Des. On the other hand, thank you for popping up to give us an update so we know you're still around!As Cole says, hang on in there, buddy, we're all rooting for you and I for one have confidence you'll get through it. You can do it, you can do it, rah, rah, rah!! (shakes pompom, wiggles bum, executes perfect high kick, pulls hamstring, lies on ground in agony...)

  3. My heart goes out to you. Kids grow up and stop being children, but you never stop being a parent. You never stop worrying about your kids, but would you have it any other way?I wish Nathaniel and David all the best. We always want to cocoon our children, but we probably were no wiser than they are when we were that age. Just like we did, they will learn some of their life lessons the hard way. When they get in difficulty we are always there to catch them - and they need the security of knowing that. It's one of the greatest gifts a parent can give a child - unconditional love.You are a wonderful man and Nathaniel and David will know that. May your beard grow ever longer.

  4. "Yes, yes, please, Mr Civil - tell us a story, please!""Okay kids, what would you like to hear?""Chapter two of Leviathan Rusts, please, Mr Civil!"Seriously, I'm not in the least surprised to learn that Mr Civil upstaged a certain rotund figure clothed in red. He's real, interested, and talented. Game, set and match!

  5. I've got a little behind on my work, as the butcher said after accidentally sitting on the meat slicer.Today is November 28th, we should already have written 45,000 words and should be writing another 1,667 today. And another 1,667 tomorrow and another 1,667 on Tuesday before collapsing, exhausted, but with a grin of contented achievement.In fact Camy is nearly 1,000 words behind schedule, and I'm 1,500 words behind. Neither of us is beyond the possibility of catching up, but both of us are going to have to work very hard to make it. I don't know about his schedule, but I had lots of time to catch up yesterday (and did catch up from my initial 5,000 word behind position) but don't have much free time for writing between now and midnight Tuesday. Aargh!So, back to work...

  6. This is one of the many reasons why I love AD and the denizens thereof. Splendid organic discussions like this one. Des' original post grew wings and flew as people contributed their comments and the thread 'just growed, like Topsy'.I often wondered where I got that phrase from so I just googled it. It turns out it's from Uncle Tom's Cabin. Here's Wikipedia on the subject: 'Topsy: A "ragamuffin" young slave girl. When asked if she knows who made her, she professes ignorance of both God and a mother, saying "I s'pect I growed. Don't think nobody never made me." 'Now, what does 'Dilettante' mean, I wonder?!

  7. 'I'm gay so yes I write poetry'? Stereotyping, here, Mr Downunder? Next we'll be reading 'I'm gay so yes I adore musical theatre' or 'I'm gay so naturally have better dress sense than you', 'I'm gay so I'm clearly the best person to design your interior decor for you'.Bad Des!I'm gay so naturally I hate shopping, can't write poetry for toffee, didn't much care for Mamma Mia, and have the worst dress sense this side of Ugly Betty. And as for interior decorating - I just don't do it. So there!Anyway kudos to you for outing yourself on Youtube. The more vulnerable people experience gay people being comfortable in their skins, the fewer young suicides there are likely to be.

  8. I commented on this post two days ago, but this computer, or possibly the phone system, or the worldwide web, or something, chewed it up and spat it out, so I'm trying again.Waiting for Superman?? Tell them the wait is over - he's here and he's Elecivil. I've said it before - I wish you'd been my teacher. Your talent and dedication is super-heroic, and way beyond the call of duty. Whoever in your life provides you with hugs, please pass on to them this instruction to apply a large-primate hug from me...

  9. Thanks for answering my nosey questions, Richard. The lad's father seems like a real nut-job. For any parent not to want their child makes my stomach churn, I've seen too much of it close to home not to be affected whenever I hear of it. I care so much for my grandkids and there's not even a blood relationship (I'm their step-grandfather) I can't stomach anyone rejecting any child. Your sentence 'The truth is that he really doesn't want Nathaniel' affects me powerfully. I'm so pleased you're there for poor Nathaniel. To have to speak his mind like that must have really taken it out of him.My grandson never wears a tie, and comes to me for help when he occasionally needs to. And, to my shame, I can only tie a tie for him by standing behind him - I can't tie his tie facing him!

  10. "I know there'll be a lot of questions from you all, so go ahead and ask."You bet. Is the father likely to be a danger to Nathaniel, and to you, in your home? How old is Nathaniel? Why did he end up living with you and not his mother? Is he feeling better, more secure, more loved, now he's with you? Please accept this e-hug in appreciation of the care and love you are devoting to Nathaniel and the other youngsters who've benefitted from your hospitality. I hope Nathaniel is able to settle with you and wallow in the loving, peaceful home that you share with him. I wish I could come visit!

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