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Sunburnt Aussies

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What is the UV index in Australia right now? Back home its about a 5 in the summer and when I went to Belize it was about a 10 there. The humidity got you more than the sun there though.

These sites are very informative.




Personally I am so fair skinned that i have to be careful not to go outside when there is a full moon.

I tried to get a tan when I was younger and all I did was bleach whiter after I got over the sunburn poisoning.

My suggestion is to stay in bed until winter.

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I have to wear 45 sunscreen and even then I'm only good for about 15 minutes. I even burn through clothing. The summer sucks for me, since I get overheated, but can't take off any clothing to compensate. I much prefer winter.

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Cool!! I'll get the cat and the car parts off it. :icon_geek:

It's Okay with me for the cat to stay, but the car parts should go unless they are greasy.

(So your bedroom is in the garage? Are you Australian?) :wave:

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These sites are very informative.




Personally I am so fair skinned that i have to be careful not to go outside when there is a full moon.

I tried to get a tan when I was younger and all I did was bleach whiter after I got over the sunburn poisoning.

My suggestion is to stay in bed until winter.

That first link was showing UV indexes in the 13-17 range, thats rediculous! The beaches must have some wicked nice eye candy with all those super tan bodies running around :icon_geek: . That or everyone looks redder than a cooked lobster from Maine :wave:

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He still manages to look HOT! :lol:

And though I'm brown, I also get sunburns. :P We're near the equator though, so no ozone holes like down under. ;)

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Hylas said

And though I'm brown, I also get sunburns. :P We're near the equator though, so no ozone holes like down under. ;)

I'm living a bit south of you and Rad, Hylas. But still have to be careful with fair skin and blue eyes. Trick is to stay out of the direct overhead sun. I try to fit in with the locals. It's only 'mad dogs and Englishmen' who go out into the mid-day sun!

BTW, Mad Dogs and Englishmen is the title of a famous song by Noel Coward, satirising the unwillingness of English people to adopt the custom of taking a siesta during the heat of the day in tropical climates.


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BTW, Mad Dogs and Englishmen is the title of a famous song by Noel Coward, satirising the unwillingness of English people to adopt the custom of taking a siesta during the heat of the day in tropical climates.

Hmm.. haven't heard it. Will look it up.

LOL, yeah. At least the Spanish knew the value of resting at midday, and extending the waking hours deep into the evening. It is simply impossible to think straight when the tropical sun is at its zenith. To describe midday heat here as stifling is an understatement. :P Every living thing takes shelter somewhere and sleep it off until the sun drifts lower. :huh:

Tourists who schedule outings at high noon soon discover it isn't such a good idea after all. :lol:

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Hmm.. haven't heard it. Will look it up.

Do. It's really funny, but if you're looking up the lyrics you have to imagine it sung in an over-the-top clipped Oxford English accent. There's a line: Englishmen detest a siesta - which fits in well with your comment about the more sensible Spaniards!


By the way - nice to run into you again here!

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By the way - nice to run into you again here!

Dad?! :lol: Izatchoo?! (EDITED lol)

Done, I've downloaded it. ^^

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BTW, Mad Dogs and Englishmen is the title of a famous song by Noel Coward, satirising the unwillingness of English people to adopt the custom of taking a siesta during the heat of the day in tropical climates.

I'm all for siestas: a wonderful invention. I'm fond of 'Manana, manana hasta manana', too. Both are excellent strings to the bow of relaxed living ... I wish.

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Filipinos... in their homeland that is (overseas workers are hardworking enough). Are one of the laziest creatures on Earth. :P

"Mamaya na" (literally "Later" or "I'll do it later") is a favorite promise.

"Ningas Cogon" ("Brushfire") describes most undertakings. Coz they start out well enough, then enthusiasm gradually fades, and nothing ever gets finished! LOL

also the "Bahala na" (sometimes "Basta" in Visayan, from Spanish interjection "Basta"). It's a fatalistic attitude. Kinda like saying "Bring on the consequences, I don't care." LOL

-Eric (Who's lazy as hell)

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A female teenager was taken to the Burns Unit on Thursday after suffering fluid loss because of severe burns to about 90 per cent of her body.

This is awful! When I first read it, I cussed outloud. Then I looked around and hoped no one heard me. :icon_tongue: I live with Christians.

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Talking about Filipinos being lazy, I'm not sure it's quite as simple as all that. My sister visited Manila and drove north going through lots of small villages and she has a whole different 'take' on it, outlined below.

What's the point of busting your gut working for wages that are so low that no matter how hard you work you can barely pay the rent on the tiny apartment, or find enough money to bring home food for the kids? What's the point of working 18 hours per day and still not be able to afford to have your agonizing tooth cavity fixed? For that matter, what's the point of working hard when all that happens is you become a 'mark' and the boss piles more work on you than anyone else gets, because 'you can do it', while the others seemingly, cannot.

The very fact that Filipinos work really well out of their country, shows that paying them a proper wage and putting them in an environment rewarding work, reveals their actual work ethic. There is also a corporate expectation of little productivity, which makes it pointless to try. One lady my sister visited, staying in her modest apartment with one bedroom for 2 adults and 2 kids, a living room the size of my sisters bathroom, shows the reality. The lady got up for work at 6 a.m. travelled for over 1 hour on a Jeepney, worked from 7:30 a.m. till 5 p.m. on a computer with a keyboard with 15% of the keys not working, travelled home, then had to shop for fresh food (no fridge), feed the kids, then do laundry by washing in a bucket and pounding the clothing on the tile floor. 3 times a week they would deliver water to the door, since the 'running water' only provided a trickle from about 4 a.m. to 5 a.m. and even if she got up to use this water, it wouldn't be enough for one washing, nor was it drinkable. All this work, and she supposedly has a 'good job' and she couldn't earn enough money to pay for fixing 2 cavities, and could barely make her rent payments each month. This isn't lazy, it is subsistence, and eventually people just give up. Let's face it, if you cannot make it no matter how hard you try, why try?

I cannot speak for other areas, other countries, or even other regions within Canada (where I live) but everyone I've spoken with hold Filipinos in high regard, admiring both their dedication to working hard for what they earn, and their families, whether with them, or back home.

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Interesting view, Trab. And yes, it does seem to be the case. Filipinos abroad are very industrious, which is why I was puzzled why they don't work as hard here in the Philippines.

Mind you, most overseas filipino workers often work on minimal pay in the country they are working on, but it's still waaaay better than whatever they would have received in the Philippines. Plus the fact that they are more often than not, sending back at least 50% of their salary to families back home. They are literally bearing on their shoulders the future of their family.

They don't shy away from menial labor either. Engineers here becoming carpenters abroad, Doctors here becoming nurses abroad, that sort of thing. Stepping down the profession ladder, and still getting better pay abroad. *sigh* It's no wonder that 90% or more (I believe) of filipinos want to leave the country (including me. :icon10: I want to help my parents and find a BF! :icon_tongue: ) Our government had been nothing a succession of corrupt, self-serving, dynasty-building thieves ever since Marcos tried to institute a dictatorship. It's fascinating actually, that once, the Philippines was the leading country in Southeast Asia. We had the first airlines, we were a democracy, a charming spanish-asian culture, educated, etc. It all went *poof* Even Vietnam has better living standards than us, and they've just been through a war. We're still carving our way back up. That's why I LOATHE politicians. :raccoon:

Case to point, I asked a fellow 3d artist/coder recently who recently started working for Hewlett-Packard as a tester for printer software what his salary was. He complained that it barely paid his bills at $16 per hour.

I was shocked. :icon4: $16 per HOUR?! I know that also may seem a trifling amount to you. But $16 is about 800 Pesos. He earns the average filipino MONTHLY salary in a single DAY. :raccoon:

It's nice to learn we have a good reputation abroad. :raccoon: There're still stories of discrimination, but it isn't that bad anymore.

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Interesting view, Trab. And yes, it does seem to be the case. Filipinos abroad are very industrious, which is why I was puzzled why they don't work as hard here in the Philippines.

Mind you, most overseas filipino workers often work on minimal pay in the country they are working on, but it's still waaaay better than whatever they would have received in the Philippines. Plus the fact that they are more often than not, sending back at least 50% of their salary to families back home. They are literally bearing on their shoulders the future of their family.

They don't shy away from menial labor either. Engineers here becoming carpenters abroad, Doctors here becoming nurses abroad, that sort of thing. Stepping down the profession ladder, and still getting better pay abroad. *sigh* It's no wonder that 90% or more (I believe) of filipinos want to leave the country (including me. :icon10: I want to help my parents and find a BF! :icon4: ) Our government had been nothing a succession of corrupt, self-serving, dynasty-building thieves ever since Marcos tried to institute a dictatorship. It's fascinating actually, that once, the Philippines was the leading country in Southeast Asia. We had the first airlines, we were a democracy, a charming spanish-asian culture, educated, etc. It all went *poof* Even Vietnam has better living standards than us, and they've just been through a war. We're still carving our way back up. That's why I LOATHE politicians. :raccoon:

Case to point, I asked a fellow 3d artist/coder recently who recently started working for Hewlett-Packard as a tester for printer software what his salary was. He complained that it barely paid his bills at $16 per hour.

I was shocked. :raccoon: $16 per HOUR?! I know that also may seem a trifling amount to you. But $16 is about 800 Pesos. He earns the average filipino MONTHLY salary in a single DAY. :icon_tongue:

It's nice to learn we have a good reputation abroad. :raccoon: There're still stories of discrimination, but it isn't that bad anymore.

I can understand why illegal immigrants come to America, but I certainly don't agree with it. Most illegals work under the table and do not get taxed, yet take advantage of school systems for their kids, public transportation, hospitals, etc., which are all paid for by tax money. That being said I don't have any problem with immigrants who come into the country legally and work hard for a living. I see way too many immigrant and second generation immigrants who have subsidised incomes and leech off of our welware systems that are there to help hard working, tax paying Americans when they need it. What is really sad is the politicians who support this. The govenor of Massachusetts is trying to pass a bill that would give free college tuition to illegal aliens. I thought they were breaking the law by being here without the proper authority and now they're gonna get free college classes?? I say give them citizenship or at least green cards and tax them for their menial labor work. Take a smaller portion or whatever, but chances are they're still gonna make more than back home. Too bad logical thinking doesn't have a place in the political world :raccoon:

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