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The Age Old Question


20 members have voted

  1. 1. Day Time

    • Boxers (Male)
    • Briefs (Male)
    • Boxer Briefs (Male)
    • Panties (Female)
    • Commando
    • Other -- SPECIFY BELOW
  2. 2. Night Time

    • Boxers (Male)
    • Briefs (Male)
    • Boxer Briefs (Male)
    • Panties (Female)
    • Nightie (Female)
    • Pyjamas (Male or Female)
    • Nude
    • Others -- SPECIFY BELOW

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I used to wear pyjamas to bed until very very very recently. November in fact. When AA lost my luggage. It was late and the only thing I could find at the store was boxers. I bought a pair, slept in them, liked it, and so that's what I wear to bed. That's not day wear because, honestly, I prefer support.

That's as much of an answer as I'll give :)

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Well, I'm not shy. I like hanging low and free, both during the day and at night. I know, TMI. :icon_rabbit:

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I used to wear pyjamas to bed until very very very recently. November in fact. When AA lost my luggage. It was late and the only thing I could find at the store was boxers. I bought a pair, slept in them, liked it, and so that's what I wear to bed. That's not day wear because, honestly, I prefer support.

That's as much of an answer as I'll give :)

Oh, that's your explanation, huh? I thought it was you'd finally grown up and found you weren't in Kansas anymore, or England or Canada (I don't know how the Aussies spell it!), and that you'd been spelling pajamas wrong all this time, and in your great shame, have eschewed the things ever since.


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Boxers.. because I've had enough of tightie whities

Every time I sleep with someone that is wearing tightie whities, I know that at some point they're going to talk about Jesus or their girl friend and I'm going to have to kick them out.

Rednecks. What can you do?

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Where is the thong select box?

I used to wear thongs during the day when I had a full time job.

Now I wear boxer briefs, mainly because I run around the house in nothing else, except in summer when it is too hot to wear anything, which is also hot hot hot, provided I keep the mirrors covered.

It took a while to switch from low rise hipster briefs, but finally I did it about 3 years ago.

I hate wearing anything to bed, so I sleep naked. I started that at puberty as an act of rebellion against parental authority. :icon_rabbit:

I agree with James about tightie whities being the under garment of choice for the sexually repressed. However some people just like them.

If I had my choice I would prefer to wear James Marsden's undies, with him still in them. Come to think of it, which I do often when I think of it, sharing any twink's undies while he still in them seems like a great idea.

I wore jock for a while, but he eventually went home. :stare:

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I used not to own any pyjamas (are they spelled differently the other side of the big pond??) until I had to endure a stay in hospital for the first time, three years ago. I made my nearest and dearest buy pyjamas and bring them in for me, and I've worn them ever since. I don't really like them so I may eventually return to wearing skin in bed.

In the daytime I wear boxer briefs. I no longer have the figure for bikini briefs, and boxers don't serve any useful purpose that I can discern.

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"boxers don't serve any useful purpose that I can discern"

Their name indicates the whole answer, I think. Boxers never wanted to get hit in the gut, and they had a rule about not being hit 'below the belt' so they developed those ugly monsters to hide as much as possible from attach. It carried over into underwear. They are designed specifically to let you discern the least, and nothing else.

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I remember in the 1970s, a doctor blamed tight underwear and skin tight jeans for prostate enlargement and hemorrhoids. He advised men to were loose fitting underwear. When an astute interviewer asked the good doctor about hernias he declined to comment.

Army issue boxers of course, are designed along the thoughts Trab outlines of making guys appear less attractive to each other.

Funny thing about men is that they still look fetching.

There has also been some statements that underwear that holds the testes close to the body, raises the temperature of the testes too high, thereby decreasing not only the amount of the spermatozoa but also their motility. In other words there does seem to be a case for at least not wearing body hugging underwear all the time. Sleeping nude is a great idea to help.

Personally I prefer to sleep covered with as many guys as possible, but my BF objects as some of them inevitably end up on his side of the bed.

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I used not to own any pyjamas (are they spelled differently the other side of the big pond??)

When spelling your pajamas

Think a?s as a last resort

Y?s are but for Englishmen

And others of that sort

If a reminder is really needed

Think lamas, or maybe llamas

Though neither one I deem

Wears pyjamas or pajamas

The best course would be,

And without undue dramas,

To spell your silken nightwear

By going without pajamas


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I'm with Kramer on Seinfeld, where he said this about boxers: "But Jerry, my boys need a home!" He went on to talk about "flopping around," and I laughed for about five minutes straight.

Boxer briefs for me. I discovered those about ten years ago, and they're great. I almost wrote them into my current story, but I'm juggling too many in-jokes as it is.

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I have far too much respect for the parental demand to wear something to bed, to ever disobey them. Somehow I don't think wearing the boyfriend was what they had in mind. :lol:

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Boxer briefs are the greatest invention of the 21st Century. If I had to pick between a boy with a computer, and a boy wearing boxer briefs, you guessed it--boxer brief boy.

I was going to say "nice of you to include a choice for girls (panties), but having Nightie

as the only choice resembling a top might not get much play with girls here"

Until I went to type this, that is, and realized that DUH, those choices were not there with girls in mind at all!! Did you even know there were girls here? Don't even think i'm asking if you care, either. :lol:

While that is most likely true about tight briefs and sperm count, as someone who has counting those single-minded slam-dancing little buggers written into their job description, I assure you that for the purposes of 99.9%

of your "big happy family", the loss of a few hundred thousand per cubic mm would not register on any radar.

I'd save the 2 seconds you might want to spend thinking about sperm count for the pH factor, and you could combine it with the 5 you spend already marvelling about the effect of what you eat. :icon_cat:

I usually wear a t-shirt that I've had too long to wear in public, or sometimes the one I wore to work that day,

'cuz I don't get dirty and my sweat doesn't stink. It's true, ask anybody, and I know, I know, i'm so lucky.

Long live BBB's.


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You have to be barking, nay howling! Zips and foreskins are such a painful combination, and the thought of Arnold Schwarzenegger flopping around is enough to put anyone off their dinner.

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You have to be barking, nay howling! Zips and foreskins are such a painful combination, and the thought of Arnold Schwarzenegger flopping around is enough to put anyone off their dinner.

Zips aren't that bad Camy, if you cut them some slack. :lol:

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I was going to say "nice of you to include a choice for girls (panties), but having Nightie as the only choice resembling a top might not get much play with girls here"

Until I went to type this, that is, and realized that DUH, those choices were not there with girls in mind at all!! Did you even know there were girls here? Don't even think i'm asking if you care, either.

That choice was there just for the girls. If there's guys wearing female panties to bed, that's more than I care to know.

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That choice was there just for the girls. If there's guys wearing female panties to bed, that's more than I care to know.

WHile I agree with the raccoon, you know what they say- kinky isn't using a feather. Kinky is using the whole chicken.

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