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Blog Comments posted by DesDownunder

  1. I must agree with Bruin, I'd rather have Mr. Civil juggle and do magic tricks for me than be bounced on Santa's knee, too. I doubt that Santa would hire a hit squad to eliminate our Ele, as he probably thinks he is just an very civil elf.I am more concerned with the cold infiltrating your bones in your apartment and maybe you should ask Santa for some nice elves to help keep you warm.

  2. I think I have heard the Ravel sometime last century. (I have been waiting for a chance to say "last century" so thank you.I can't remember it at all. On the matter of my attempt to be funny and yet informative to my correspondent at YouTube, Cole, it may make you feel better to know that he too missed the intended humour. MrAkihiros replied to me: "I fail to see the correlation between being gay and poetry but yes I'll check out your works. Cheers! "Maybe the humour is more obvious to ditzy Aussies than to others.I felt that it was wiser to warn the guy that if he wamted to read my poetry, then I owed him to let him know that yes I had written some, and that it contained gay references. So I thought it better to be funny (or try to be funny) than issue a surgeon general type (censorship) warning. It also allowed me to make a declaration which as Bruin said, could assist young people in despair to know that there are people who are comfortable with there sexuality.The 24% of poets reference actually came from an often quoted study: Ludwig, 1995.

    One study of the biographies of 1004 eminent people found homosexual and bisexual people overrepresented (11 percent of the sample), especially among poets (24 percent), fiction writers (21 percent), and artists and musicians (15 percent) (Ludwig, 1995).
    The above quote was taken from this lengthy article has some interestin points.I must say I never expected what I intended to be a throw away joke to lead to a resource on the representation of gays in the arts, but maybe it is a good thing too. Those of us who are comfortable and feel safe in being out, need to let the dark side of the force know, we will not be silenced.
  3. James, it seems from some survey which I hasten to add I can't find again, or really gave much credence, that some 24% of poets are in fact gay, making poetry the art form with the highest percentage of gay people. Obviously they've never heard of that most famous art form, "gay sex," which I believe attracts 100% of gay people and around 50% of the human race on alternate Saturdays after 10.31pm, unless they feel an insatiable urge to indulge at any time in the poetry of gay love-making. Hooray for the arts! :hug:

  4. LOL. What a great comment. Now I don't feel so bad about the bragging. After all it seems I have nothing but my stereotypical attitude in my favour. Yes I am gay, so I do like musicals, but not Abba so much. Yes I am gay but have to really try hard to lithp and my attempts at interior decoration are more like interior demolition. It's not the toffee that worries me, it's the sticky fingers after I have eaten it, and as for poetry...well, I'm sure there are those who claim I have yet to write any. :hug:

  5. Thank you Camy. :hug: Personally I would rather measure the number of orgasms, than the number of minutes between them, but some people have minds that have to measure everything, and that is why alongside the time-piece on the bed-side table, they also have a set of measuring jugs. I think they are being hopeful, myself.But I suppose if you are on a diet you should count the calories before swallowing. :hug:

  6. Thanks for that Manic Mike and Welcome to the Blogs at AwesomeDude.Your entry reminds me that over 15 years ago, I was made redundant in my industry and in my depression I decided to begin planning the extravaganza of my funeral. I thought it would be great to have the soundtrack from Land of the Pharaohs playing whilst my body was carried to its grave by 6 swarthy naked guys whilst friends gathered around to watch a pre-recorded video in which I would state some great philosophy of life and death.So what happened? After all I seem to be still alive. Well, I decided to not wait for death and made plans to make every moment of my remaining years an extravaganza. Then after a couple of bad attempts at employment and a few hiccups I found AwesomeDude. Well that wasn't all I did. I began to have fun by living the moment to the full. I dared to be me and it's great. Your experience with Stand By Me, is one of the best descriptions of what it is like to come out as a performer, a singer, an actor, a fresh young human, or an old one, who is just discovering their ability to live anew. Just like any coming out it takes effort to trust yourself, that it really will be okay, and it is.Thanks for reminding me of that.

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