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Blog Comments posted by DesDownunder

  1. Gee, I'm not sure why mentioning the Grand Canyon earned me an apology, after all I didn't dig the canyon. Still I probably do have higher priorities than an i-phone as the greatest something or other. Not wanting to be perfect, Jason, makes you perfect to me.You are definitely more deserving of higher grade of twink than a two. Two's are for people my age, if we can cover their eyes long enough to get them into bed.As for the hair, I know lots of guys that just looove body hair. Ah well there's always waxing, or laser removal. Ouch.I just have to remember that, "When I'm this sexy..." line. :wav:

  2. Thank you Cole, it helps me to know that guests are seeing the same things I am.It is likely a software problem. There doesn't seem to be an adjustment for adding years to the software, so we may just have to cope with it as best we can for the time being.I suggest people start their blog entries with the actual date as a heading. That way we will have a reference of when it was written as well as the latest day on which the software lost the plot.And yes Cole it is Feb. 2010 here too. :hug:

  3. So today I made the Stupidity entry a draft, then republished it and then it adopted today's date. :hug: Something is not right. If you are posting and have the same problem please PM me and I will see if I can help.My guess is that the board blog software has a bug (maybe it is the skin) as far as new entry dates are concerned and as such there is little we can do.

  4. hmm Jason, you and your erection haven't turned forty yet have you?If you don't use it you might be without it one day.I'd love to go shopping with you, even if it is just to see the flames leaping from your "burning erection" as it leads you from the frozen vegetables to the fresh meat section.Perhaps I will just catch the train and watch your make out sessions in the hope you will have more than just a "stupid smile" to wipe off your face.What a delightful tease you are. :hug:

  5. "...oozing with slippery morsels writhing in freshly warmed sauces..." Damn! I just had an accident!How about a plump zucchini, gently massaged in warmed olive oil, served with two quivering meat balls in a cream sauce?Or a rump steak, butterflied and stuffed with gorgonzola cheese with just a taint of mushroom piccata?Yum!C
    Excellent Cole, I was hoping for some replies of adventurous tempting lascivious dishes.
  6. My boyfriend made me a cup of tea.I was suspicious when I saw the tea leaves floating on the top...sip, sip...Yep he used cold water.I explained he needed to use the electric jug to make the water hot...Bang! The jug blew up, he didn't put water in it.That was many years ago...we're still together, and I do the cooking. (I did manage to get him to cook stir fry, after the first 10 years.)

  7. :razz: Ah Jason, where have you been? If only I were 35 years younger...Why aren't you writing. What a talent you have for expressing yourself, fluently, precisely, amusingly. I am sure that some will not take kindly to your statements on religion. I would remind those people that Jason lives in a country that protects free speech and while we do not censor the blogs, we do discourage personal attacks. Jason has not attacked anyone personally (except perhaps for his parents, but who could blame him for that), and therefore I stand in support of his right to speak as he has done. Indeed his words remind me of one, Pat Condell who is an avowed atheist who delights in attacking religion in
    . (Maybe because I am older, and more mellow these days, I can't say I agree with Buddhism being placed in the same basket as the other religions. Perhaps it is similar at the congregation delusional level, but the objectives of self responsibility, compassion and living a life that does no harm, are directly opposed to the Abrahamic derived religions with their missionary objectives. One might well ask why they are so hellbent on having everyone think as they do?)In any case Jason, I am delighted to see you back making a blog entry, and I look forward to reading whatever you decide to share with us. I am certain I, at least, will find it of great interest, poignant, and well worth reading. :hug:
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