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Blog Comments posted by Camy

  1. Where are you, Camy? Surely they don't grow Pinot Noir grapes in Surrey, do they? Or Yorkshire or even Scotland? Somehow I had the impression your soil was good for making pottery out of but not for nurturing the delicate Pinot Noir grape.So you must be elsewhere. France? Parles vous Francias? Mais oui, naturalement. You attended public school. They certainly wouldn't have missed teaching you the classic languages.But I digress. I was wondering where you are? Are you traveling on the continent? And why did you take employment as a picker? Is this some sort of vacation camp where you pay to pick someone's grapes?I always thought the British has a touch of the balmy in them.<g>C
    Pay? PAY? :confused: You think I'm PAYING for this ... this ... purgatory. Daft and balmy I may be, but not quite that daft and balmy. :devlish: Pinot Noir grows quite happily in Kent.Yours, still knackered,Camy
  2. Oh ... right ... amuse yourselves at my expense ... see if I care. :devlish: Having worked the morning in ever heavier rain, we were sent home. Not to save us from pneumonia, oh no! Pickers are dispensable. We stopped because Pinot Noir grapes mustn't, once picked, get too wet. They catch cold, and refuse to get involved in making good wine. Bless. I can see their point. :confused: Camy

  3. Jason,It sounds like you're winning through, which is great!My only piece of advice is regarding:

    Friday I spoke the words I never thought I'd have the balls to say out loud. I told Susan that I would never do coke again.
    'Never' is hell. 'Never' will taunt you, and eventually, no matter how good the intention, break you. Take it day by day: it's much easier to see the light at the end of the tunnel, if the tunnel is short.'Somewhere in between' is a great place to be!Camy
  4. Giddy is good!I don't want to come over as a prune, or try and give you any advice (worth taking). Oh hell, yes I do. Bear in mind that for 'you two' to work, he's going to have to get to know the real you - sooner or later. So ... don't create a pseudo you that's too far from the real you. If you do it'll be hard to keep up, and even harder to reveal the real you later on. That probably makes no sense at all, but was meant with the best will in the world.The best of luck!Camy

  5. I'd prefer his dangly bits where they are too. Just sayin'.
    Glad I'm not alone in that, then!
    Hmm, I haven't gotten myself out there to find a boyfriend, and when I'm out, nobody's exactly chasing me down with impassioned offers of true love and romance, faithfulness... or even a quick... well, anyway, haha, surely that'll solve itself. Uh, ppl say I'm nice and lovable and I don't smell off or look too strange. (Alright, a bit nerdy, but no more than half the rest of the planet.)
    I'm so soooooo lucky, in that deep down I knew he felt the same. If I was all alone I'd be terrified of having to go looking to meet someone. But you have to be pro-active, Blue. It'll be worth it!!!
    :stare:STOP! right there... Camy? You adore me? :Dances around the room, singing: I'm adored, I'm adored, and I'm unemployed, but still I am adored.I'm adored, I'm adored, I am unexplored and still you all applaud.I'm adored, I'm adored, and I am not even a boy toyed...with,Oh damn, that doesn't rhyme quite right does it? :hehe: (apologies to West Side Story)
    Not only a donut rack, but he sings too! What's not to adore? :hehe:
  6. After reading about the trials and tribulations of Des and Camy trying to get some decent shut-eye, I may never have a restful night again. I do like the idea, though, of the two of them trying to cohabitate. Just think of it!C
    :stare: No thank you! Much as I adore Des, I think my BF - sweet, kind and loveable though he is :wub: - might find some fault with the idea. Personally, I like my dangly bits where they are :hehe::hehe: Camy
  7. I'm not, positively not a misanthrope - except for the odd day when I am. I just have a wee problem sleeping with people. It behoves me to mention: snoring, farting, tossing (minds out of gutter) and turning. Arguing with the cat, scratching, sleep-talking, sleep-walking, getting up to pee, getting up to make hot chocolate, etc, etc et-bloody-cetera. All these things do not make for a peaceful nights sleep: and they're just my habits! Add another person to the mix and you have carnage.Anyway, thank you all for you support, and the hugs. :hehe: The idea of a King Size bed is firmly taking root. :wink:Camy

  8. Thank you so much, Des. Thinking about your boyfriend's clutch quite put me off my dinner. Not that I wanted to think about it. It's like if you say "Don't think of Elephants!" - of course you think of Elephants. Same with clutches and boyfriends. Or clutches of boyfriends.Hmm.Obviously time for therapy.HELP!PS try Open Office. It's free and just as good as Bill's version. www.openoffice.org.PPS Do a Virus scan. You know you want to.

  9. How cryptic. We expect an explanation.
    Hmm.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae leo. Duis metus. Proin risus. Suspendisse orci quam, placerat vitae, sollicitudin et, feugiat ac, lectus. Vivamus sit amet ipsum. Aenean vel enim vitae nibh sodales congue. Fusce aliquet enim id nisi. Ut ac ante a dui tempus ultrices. Phasellus iaculis, nisi eget tempor aliquam, mi nunc gravida ipsum, ut iaculis pede eros nec risus. Morbi sed dolor a velit aliquet dignissim. Proin quam mauris, vestibulum sit amet, nonummy non, vestibulum nec, pede. Aenean vestibulum tristique urna. Curabitur elit augue, posuere sit amet, euismod id, mollis sed, massa. Proin sapien. Vivamus varius lectus quis nibh. Maecenas neque. Cras ullamcorper laoreet lorem. Nulla a nunc.Suspendisse nulla. Mauris pellentesque, nisi et tincidunt ornare, nisl arcu ornare lacus, in ornare eros neque sit amet nisi. Maecenas blandit, purus nec elementum elementum, eros enim suscipit dolor, ac blandit risus urna non arcu. Phasellus ut ligula tempus ligula condimentum sodales. Donec arcu. Sed metus ligula, sollicitudin sit amet, bibendum condimentum, aliquet commodo, metus. Praesent dictum neque ac libero. Integer nec quam pharetra massa interdum molestie. Pellentesque lectus. Aliquam nisi dui, aliquet id, ullamcorper eget, adipiscing a, sapien. Fusce a erat. Suspendisse potenti. Integer mattis leo vel lectus. Aliquam convallis posuere arcu. :omg: Hahahahahahahahaha! :icon10:
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