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Blog Comments posted by Camy

  1. Sugary? Perhaps that's why I have such a sweet tooth. Thanks, guys. I do know that I'm loved and have good friends, but sometimes - in those reflective moments we all have - it isn't enough. This sentience we possess has to be for a purpose, doesn't it? Or are we here as a amusement for 'something'.Admittedly, this isn't very unique thought, and goodness knows I don't presume to be a philosopher ... but I ponder.Shakespeare said it well:To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,To the last syllable of recorded time;And all our yesterdays have lighted foolsThe way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,And then is heard no more. It is a taleTold by an idiot, full of sound and fury,Signifying nothing.Macbeth Act 5, scene 5, 19?28'Signifying nothing': that's the phrase that miffs. 'Idiot' I can cope with.*sighs*Onwards and upwards.

  2. Are you...someone from England...correcting me on my American writing? :wav:
    Why, yes! I think I must be. Americanese is so damnably difficult for us to understand. And as for speaking it! You try saying 'Yawl' or 'yowsa' with a plum in your mouth, and see how you get on. It's dashed awkward! :wav: And what's all this "Have a nice day!" malarkey? Is it true that if you don't grin vapidly whilst saying it, you get three G. W. Bush demerits?
    As for frigging with my eyes...funny you should ask.
    I had to. I tried, and it got awfully, awfully messy.
    This doesn't happen all the time...but over the course of my life, I have learned a few things.
    Learning is good. I learnt something ages ago, but I forget what it was, now. I think Des, Cole or Trab borrowed it.
    Did you know that if you get...semen in your eyes, and you're wearing contacts, it doesn't burn. :wav:
    I had no idea! It's obvious where I went wrong. Lack of contacts ... both for the eyes, and for the production of said fluid. Umm ... if you've got a spare 'little black book' I could borrow ...?!
    So to answer your question, no...I don't frig with my eyes...normally. :wink: J
    Hmm ... normally ... hmm. :wink::wav::wink:
  3. *grinning*Res, Des, Bruin, thank you all so much for the comments. Yes - those who mentioned key - you're right: it's wrong, and needs to come up a tone. Even now, with a capo on and a tone higher, it's sounding better ... livelier. Damn, but that rhythm is hard to play!It's odd how other people see lyrics!The noodling produced the tune, and the lyrics kinda flowed from it. And because I was it was guitar and not keys, the vocal came out the way it did. It wasn't intentionally Leonard Cohen or Bob Dylan-esque. I love Cohen, and Dylan - though I can't abide his voice. Billy Joel - who I also love - Hmm. I can't see that - or should it be 'hear that'?. But then, to me it's a whole entity, and I can't now separate the lyrics from the rest ... if that makes any kind of sense.

    Can I have a go?
    I'd be honoured. :wav:
  4. I'd be amazingly flattered if I were you. Your bf chased Tom Cruise out of the house to protect you!!! What could be more cute, sweet, and downright loving than that? Not that I've ever had even the slightest thoughts of anything 'Tom'. But not only did said bf save you from a rampant night in with Mr. Tiny, but he saved you from becoming a Scientologist / operating Thetan, too.W00t! I say, and W00T again. :wav:

  5. That view looks totally wonderful. Say 'hello' to the FF (feline family)
    I have done. They say meow ... and there was a purr, too: when I told them you were the one to say 'hello'.
    You get to look at that view? You sure you want to sell up? If I didn't have ties that bind, and if I had the half million or so I expect you're asking, I'd buy like a shot....Green Bruin
    Hahahaha! Half a million!? Yeah, I wish. Half a million Zimbabwean Dollars, maybe. Though the view is fantabulous.So don't be a 'Green Bruin', otherwise you'll get some poor chap buying a green Bruin coat:"Gee, Honey, please buy me that green Bruin skin coat!""No!""Please!""Stop that Delores ... uh ... well at least until we get home ... I said sto, oh God! ... ughhhhh. Shit, Delores, here's my credit card." :w00t: Camy :hehe:
  6. You have a thing for Bart, do you? :hehe:
    I always liked Troy Maclure.What?
    Pedo much? *puke*
    How many years has the simpsons been running? Surely he must be legal by now.
    The Simpsons made its debut on December 17, 1989 which would make Bart, should anyone be interested in an overly annoying little yellow cartoon character, nearly thirty and quite legal. Troy McClure rocks! HaHa!Which begs the question: which Simpsons character do you identify with most? Or rather, which character is most like you? I'll have to ponder that one ... though dibs are in on Sideshow Bob, Santa's Little Helper, and Kang.
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