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My father died this morning of ongoing heart problems. It was not unexpected. He had been ill for a long time.

It is still like taking a hard right to the head.

At the moment, I'm in crisis mode managing events. There will be time for emotions later.


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Thanks guys. It has been a hard day.

Even though he could be ornery sometimes, it was something that we had in common.

On a hard day I look for a way to laugh... or at least smile.

I started a thread called Raccoon Sightings with some pictures of my favorite comic coons.

Raccoons always make me smile since a mama cat with kittens in our garage adopted a baby raccoon and the little guy though he was a kitten.

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I'm very sympathetic, James. My father died exactly ten years ago this week, and it was still pretty tough. He and I had some pretty nasty fights over the years, but I think we had a grudging respect and affection for each other as I got older.

You can never get used to the loss of a loved one like this, but you can learn to live with it over time. Hang in there.

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Thank you all.

We're having the funeral Thursday and made the arrangements today.

Because of my Dad's military service, there is going to be some pomp and ceremony that will make it very cool.

He joined the Army Air Corp out of High School in 1943 and flew with the 15th Air Force in the Mediterranean until the end of the war. While he was in, he became a member of the newly formed Air Force.

After the end of the war in 1945, he went to Mississippi State and got his degree and went Army ROTC Officers Training. He got called up in 1950 for Korea. Since the Army was out of the flying business, he was assigned as a platoon leader in the 2nd infantry division. 2nd ID fought their way out of the Pusan Perimeter where Pop's unit was severely counterattacked and nearly over run. Thinking that they were all dead, he called in an artillery barrage on top of their position. This enabled them to hold the line until help could arrive. He was awarded the silver star and promoted.

After Korea, he transferred to armor and spent the rest of his career in Europe with the 3rd armored division.

I arrived at the base hospital in Wiesbaden, West Germany in 1962- a brand new Army BRAT (Born RAised and Transferred). My mom, brother and I came home from Germany in June 1967 when the Six Day War broke out and a lot of the officers thought that it was the opening act of WWIII. Dad retired and came home the next year.

The Army is sending an honor guard, an officer from the 2nd Infantry Division will speak about the incident where my Dad was awarded the Silver Star, there's going to be a piper playing Amazing Grace and a bugler will play taps at the end.

So we celebrate the passing of another member of the Warrior Generation and remember how magnificent they really were.

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Take care of yourself and take the time you need. It will be extra rough for a long while.

My dad died in 2000. He and I were close, even though he was very quiet and stoic about his feelings. But he tried to show and say how much he cared. Most things, we could talk about. Sex was one thing he simply didn't know much how to talk with me about.

Remember the good things, let go of the bad, try to learn from the mistakes, and move on.

Yes, I miss my dad. There are times I wish I could call or visit and ask what he'd think about so-and-so, or what he thought I should do.

Your feelings will be all over the place for awhile, in the middle of doing things that need to be done, and later, simply because you have feelings about your dad.

Remember you can lean on your friends, and remember you can stand on your own.

Parts heal at different rates.

Best Wishes, and feel a little better when you can.

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My condolences James, I'll be thinking of you today, which can only be one of the most difficult we ever face.

My Dad died before I was old enough to no longer idolize him; and in spite of all the ways she made me crazy, I'd still like just a few more minutes with my Mother.

Take care,


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