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I'm Alive!


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Hello everybody!

 I’m writing this from a medical rehabilitation facility in Rancho Cucamonga, California where I am recovering from total hip replacement surgery and a fractured shoulder.

 The injuries were sustained while taking a morning walk on September 11th (yep, 9/11) near my son’s house in Adelanto, California where I had been living since January of this year.

 While the broken hip was the most serious injury, the (left) shoulder proved to be the most troublesome as it has precluded my being able to do updates and coding at AwesomeDude for the past couple of months.

 Fortunately, AD Author and Design Editor, John (AlienSon), was willing and able to step up and keep the site running in the interim.  For that, we all should be grateful for his efforts.  Despite my being able to type with both hands for short periods again, I estimate it’ll be the first of the year before I’ll be able to resume my coding duties at AD.

 I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our authors and readers for their expressions of support for AwesomeDude.com and for me throughout this ordeal.   Now that I have increased use of both arms I’ll try to get caught up on my correspondence.   

It is gratifying to see all the great love and support we have after all these years. 

April 3rd will mark our 19th anniversary on the web.

 I will be back in a few days to tell you about plans for AwesomeDude and CodeysWorld in 2023.

Best regards to all,



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Really good news! I can’t imagine dealing with knee and shoulder at the same time, but it’s good to hear you are recovering. Will be looking forward to the new year and, perhaps, some encouraging news about AD and Codey’s. Always best wishes and speedy recovery!

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Great to hear that you are improving and able to do more. Just don't do too much too soon. We all want you back fit and well, but not before you are fit and well.

Best wishes. 

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That is great news, good to hear/read from you again.
We all thank John for his efforts and hope you can take over soon. Not that John didn't do a good job, but that would be the moment you are back on your hands and feet again.

Take care, we are just as happy with some short messages from you while John holds the castle in order and protected.

I'm smiling by this news, also from way across the pond. (And across that smaller pond from Camy 🙂 )

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I know from personal experience that shoulder injuries take a long time to heal.  Be patient but persistent, especially in faithfully doing any exercises that a physical therapist may recommend.  I found that working in a pool with hand-held paddles and other resistance devices was an ideal way to recover range of motion without damaging anything.

Get well and feel better soon.


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What wonderful news.  I'm pleased as punch and Artemis and Mimieux are catstatic too.

Please take it easy, don't push yourself.  I've done that in the past and it never works well.

Hip Hip Hooray.



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Thanks, everyone.

Yes, the hero here is certainly John.  He picked up the ball and ran with it.

I realize now the poor planning on my part that left so many unposted chapters of stories on my computer and therefore nowhere for John to easily access them.  The backtracking he had to do with authors was extensive.  I've learned my lessons and will institute new rules upon myself to keep from burdening him that way again.

More later,



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It's great to hear from you. I missed your post because my mind was focused on my upcoming right hip replacement, which was last Friday. At least mine was elective, and it follows a hip replacement in 5 months. There's a world of difference between elective hip replacement and a traumatic one. My wife underwent a traumatic hip replacement after a serious tumble off a hidden step in a restaurant, and she's still having difficulties some four years later. She needs new knees, though, and that's another story.

Anyway, I used to take care of patients with your injuries and would agree that the shoulder is the more difficult problem. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and any injury, particularly a fracture, can make life very difficult. Most of us don't think about it, but the shoulder is attached to the rest of the skeleton by a single joint - the AC joint, and the clavicle in turn attaches at its other end only to the sternum, which itself is supported by the ribs. Otherwise, your shoulder floats on your chest cage, supported only by muscles. Indeed, it takes a lot of rehab to recover function.

Welcome back! My thoughts will be with you during your recovery.

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