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Blog Comments posted by blue

  1. I'd be more worried if you weren't in a weird mood. Besides, I like your weird moods.Hmm. my experience with felt and fur covered dudes and dudettes is, thankfully, somewhat limited.Huh, you look a lot like a guy I went to school with, except I'm pretty sure you're not related at all.OK, somewhere there is a photo of me a cousin took when I was a little kid, where I insisted on a really dorky pose... which was probably a clue about orientation, hahah. I have no idea which box that's in currently, or I might even get brave and post it somewhere.

  2. Hey Rad, best of luck finding a job and with college.Call centers? Ohh man... I wouldn't wish that on ya.Your hair? Hair will grow back. No matter what you do to it (within reason) it'll grow back. Job and income is greater than hairstyle... but ideally, you'll get a job where they won't care much if you have shoulder-length hair.

  3. Blue reads through the thread, takes a look at his moderator's wand (huh?) and decides he wouldn't even begin to know how to... oh dear, there's no good way out of that one, is there?Blue puts his wand back in his pocket (what did he say?) and decides to just give this one a wide berth. (Like a king size bed?)-----I am very glad Des feels pretty gay.Look at him dance and sing. The ham. Least he's not a boar, you might say. He's hogging the limelight. Good thing it's not a lemon....-----

    TONIO (spoken) Mario . . . (sings) The most beautiful sound I ever heard: Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario . . . All the beautiful sounds of the world in a single word . . Mario, Mario, Mario, Mario . . . Mario! I've just met a boy named Mario, And suddenly that name Will never be the same To me. Mario! I've just kissed a boy named Mario, And suddenly I've found How wonderful a sound Can be! Mario! Say it loud and there's music playing, Say it soft and it's almost like praying. Mario, I'll never stop saying Mario! The most beautiful sound I ever heard. Mario.
  4. EleCivil,You have my email and IM, if you ever need to talk.You'll grieve in your own way and your own time. In some ways, you already have. In other ways, you didn't have an easy relationship with your dad, and all those feelings are jumbled together. So of course, it doesn't feel one way or another yet.You're one of the most talented guys around, and you clearly care. Take care of yourself too.These guys said it:

    I think you could salvage your grades by explaining your situation to an administrator. I think they could work out deferred exams and/or make up work [ . ]
    Whatever you do, and whatever the situation, don't be looking for a 'what you should be feeling'.
  5. I was in here the other day and was gonna say something profound and witty, but I lost my crayons....Y'know the best part of this, aside from the black boxers?Just think how jock-boy is going to be so befuddled, because he mistook a teacher, an adult for a "really tall goth kid." Bwahaha, serves him right. :evil: Maybe he'll think before picking on another kid again. OK, so we can only hope."Who was that punked man? What's he teach, anyway? Like, dude! He totally faked me out."

  6. SF = Sophonium. If someone doesn't know it's a prank from that, they deserve the grade....UD = Urdirtium. And...UF = Urfreakium. But...UC = Urcutium. And...UH = Urhottium. Though it's probably best if the students tell each other, not the teacher....PS = Prismosupportum. Because.DL = Dilithium. You know, for the crystals....LA = Latinum. How else did it get gold-pressed?TA = Transaluminum. Or Transaluminium, if you're not from the States.SP = Sesquipedalium.CL = Circumlocutium.SL = Saccolintium. Pocket Lint? TG = Trugrittium. Real dirt.PD = Plainoldirtium. EC = EleCivilus. Hey, see if you've got fans into chemistry!AS = Altrosockium. Mismatched socks are elemental!GB = Gaudioboium. Gay boy.GL = Gaudialesbium. Gay girl.GP = Gaudioamicum. Gay-friendly.TS = Transgenerium. Transgender.BP = Biphilium. Bisexual (Bi-lovin'.)IA = Isoamicum. Equally-friendly.HA = Heteroamicum. Straight-friendly.

  7. Oh, for cryin' out loud. I suppose that manager never liked any of the punk and the metal bands and the hair bands (guys with big hair) back in the '70's and '80's, either. I'm pretty conservative, but even in my more uptight college days, I got a grin out of seeing guys with punk hair. Recently, I saw a cute(!) young guy at Petco or Petsmart with a hairstyle somewhere between Neelix from Voyager and one of the traditional American Indian designs from the Northeast. (I've seen an example somewhere.) He was working and busy talking with his own manager (hopefully not against his hair) or I might've talked to him. (Hey, he was likely too young for me to date, though, darn it.) I haven't seen him since. (Darn again.)I don't get it. If a guy or a girl has an unusual hairstyle, that's up to them. If people notice, well, let 'em get an eyeful. In terms of sales, it might be good publicity and might generate business, especially if the guy or girl is friendly and a good worker. The people who think it's too scandalous... ehh, they should get a life and ease up. My opinions on such things are colored by having an artist mom who ran an art and frame shop. Although they might not have been thrilled by a guy with an unusual, punk or ethnic hairstyle, I don't think they would've demanded he change it or fire him.I've also worked for someone who would've not even hired a guy with "weird hair" without caring if he was a good, friendly worker.Heh... and the not-so-bright but semi-sympathetic guy who whispered the other guy's hair was "hooomo-sex-u-al"... aw, I can cut him some slack, since he then said it shouldn't make a difference.But -- Gay hair? OK, does that mean his hair's gay, but the rest of him isn't? So, like, if his hair saw a cute guy, it'd stand up really, uh, stiff, or curl eagerly (lustily!) toward said guy? Would his hair then whistle as the guy turned around, flexed, or bent over? Then again, what if his hair is straight-acting? Does that mean it's not wavy and curly, or that you'd never know it really likes guys, until it gets very ...stiff... and thinks no one's looking?Inquiring minds want to know!

  8. Screw the car. I'm glad YOU'RE ok. Really. Good luck with the car, though.
    Seems like he had a post about a certain "inspirational" steering wheel....EleCivil, it's great you're OK, and I hope things will work out for a car, soon. Get some sleep!Yeah, ask about going in to say bye to the kids. That might be doable....Soooo... Did you do the Speed Racer "nananana" and "chong-chong-chong" noises? C'mon, you know you thought of Speed Racer during that. OK, so maybe my childhood was warped by Speed Racer reruns. Kids these days!Oh yeah, and: "FREE CIVIL!"
  9. Hey Rad, please submit that to the Poetry Corner at AD and to those wacky guys over at Codey's World. I think both places would like to post your poem.You're also welcome to enter it at both forums, AD and CW, in their poetry sections.You should write poetry more often. :)

  10. Treat people like loving caring, humane individuals andyou just might support someone who makes life worthwhile.
    :-O You said it!
    These people need Love. Lots of it too, I would guess at a pinch.[ ... ] they have forgotten how to masturbate [ ... ]
    Yes, they need lots of Love. They just aren't getting enough elsewhere. Guys and girls need more than solo lovin'.Uh, I really should get out more too. In all senses of "out." (I'm out, but not enough.) ... My subconscious and my friends are workin' on me, though.
    Put all these computer nerds in one big room without any clothes and see if they can come up with any solutions...
    It wasn't until I went on the web, that I began to see how many other techies and artists were gay. -- If you'd told me in university or high school how many of my classmates were gay or up for doing things with a friend, uh, you'd have made me one happy camper. -- I sat in computer labs, a few times, wondering how many of the students in each room was gay and in the closet, like I was then... but not doin' anything about it.Hmm... If you were to put a roomful of computer nerds in one room, naked, *without a computer*, and lock the door for, oh, a day or so... well, I am quite sure that the few ladies would leave with a boyfriend or girlfriend, while the guys would either be hugely frustrated (or much less shy!) (or at least more relaxed around gay guys!) ... and quite a few would leave with big grins and boyfriends they'd never guessed about.OK, so it's a nice fantasy, I'll just keep on wishing. Haha.-- What do I really wish for, more than a fantasy? -- I wish no one ever had to hide it, at work, school, home, place of worship, relaxing at the mall or park... anywhere. Oops, that turned into a rant, sorry. -- Rant mode off; Laid-back mode on; Hey Des, good luck. -- I am fairly certain my next computer will be a Mac, despite the expense of changeover. But that will be a couple of years from now, I hope.
  11. Hey Rad, good luck about the typhoon, and I hope everyone there gets through it fine. I live near the Texas Gulf Coast, so I've been through major hurricanes and tropical storms. It's great to hear readers are enjoying your stories and AD. Keep writing!I wish things would improve for DaBeagle and his site.

  12. Yay on the new computer.Yay on the new fence.Yay on the keeping the boyfriend. (Lucky ba****ds.)Boo about Vista and Office 2007.... I will get the questionable experience of trying them on a laptop, still to get loaded. My desktop has XP and Office 2003 and is staying that way, thank you.I am so very impressed with Microsoft (not!) that I may switch to OpenOffice. When I need to replace a computer again, I will probably make the switch back to Macintosh. That means replacing/upgrading/crossgrading my application programs and fonts and other goodies, at that time, though. The cost factor does not make me happy. -- But what I keep hearing about Microsoft, and what I know to be true of their past behavior...*ugh*.-----Back to better news:Yay again about the fence.Yay again about the boyfriend. (Gee, if only one would arrive on my doorstep or under the Christmas tree....) OK, so I'll have to go hunt one down.... Might be fun!Yay about donuts. Mmmm.What was that about a donut rack? Hahaha, ohh, the mental image. That gives a whole new x-rated look to the "Towers of Hanoi" rings problem. :laughs:Hah, next computer science or programming class, I'll have to remember that. The prof will think I'm just really blissed out about the subject. (Two subjects, radically different study approach.)...If only I'd known in college which of my fellow CS and English classmates were sitting there, wanting a guy too. Hmm... at least now I know!

  13. I'd prefer his dangly bits where they are too. Just sayin'.Hmm, I haven't gotten myself out there to find a boyfriend, and when I'm out, nobody's exactly chasing me down with impassioned offers of true love and romance, faithfulness... or even a quick... well, anyway, haha, surely that'll solve itself. Uh, ppl say I'm nice and lovable and I don't smell off or look too strange. (Alright, a bit nerdy, but no more than half the rest of the planet.)All that is to say, whether a full/double bed or larger, I'd love to wake up with someone I really love, or with a good friend even if he wasn't a boyfriend. It simply hasn't happened yet. ...Um, in a twin bed... somebody'd have to be on top (might get uncomfortable for both) or way too squished for sleeping. For other things, well, heh, not a problem, I suppose.I've never had much experience sharing a bed, except with relatives or various friends, once in a while. The exception was sharing a college dorm room and suite with a series of roommates. That was enlightening for all kinds of reasons. It was also mostly a reminder that the other guy wasn't going to want to fool around.All in all, hey, someone to share your bed is great if they're a good friend or true love. Wish I was.

  14. Jason, you are heaping up all sorts of expectations for yourself about diffferent states of being: is, was, will be, should be, would be.... Let yourself be. You don't have to be all that. If how things are right now aren't how you'd like them to be, OK, but you can work on that. If it was so easy to get Instant Jason, New and Improved, Just Add Water! then we'd all be new and improved. ...Maybe it is gradual, and we don't see the changes in ourselves instantly from where we are.Try not to judge yourself or others, especially not for friendship. Let them be friendly and let yourself let them into your life. It sounds as though you're holding others at arm's length, maybe out of fear they won't like the inner you. Ehh, they aren't that well adjusted either, but that doesn't make them or you bad.So OK, you have cravings for something physical to help you through things. A lot of people do, but won't admit it to themselves. A lot do it to varying degrees. Try not to heap a bunch of crap on yourself for wanting something more. Of course you want the physical and the spiritual. Try talking some and open up a little more with people locally who've been friendly and might be trusted a little. Try some other sources for support and therapy. You have choices. Some might seem impossible or at least improbable. Don't rule them out. Please, don't make that final, fatal choice. Keep making other choices instead. Keep on choosing life.I have a friend who tried that, more than once. Life would be much less, without him. He's great in ways he may never see.I have a friend who may have tried that (it's unclear what happened) and died. The world would be better with him in it. Jason, life is for living. Keep on choosing. Choose to live and love yourself. -- Get help, if you need it. Everybody needs help now and then.

  15. We'll not remind Des that a clutch, at least in America, is also a word for a woman's clutch purse.Oops! Moving along....Clutch. I wouldn't mind helping a boyfriend fix his clutch. I was going to say, not on the car, but then it occurred to me that fixing a clutch on a car (probably) involves the boyfriend getting into various "interesting" positions and getting all greasy, which then would require getting all clean which would then mean....Oh yes, sorry. Moving along....I should've suggested OpenOffice, and am horribly, abjectly embarrassed about it. I shall now genuflect to show my.... No, I said, "genuflect to show my..." you rotters, the lot of you! Moving along....Wibby said "hors d??uvres." Oh l? l?, French. (Yes, probably too many "Addams Family" reruns in my misspent youth.) Moving along....It figures Des would pen his boyfriend. It must be a writer's thing. I wouldn't mind a writer's thing, I.... Oh yes, um, moving along....(...Brought to you by Blue's Inner Camp Boi and state of latent really-should-date-ness....)(*) Blue's Inner Camp Boi says that latent deal is about what happens on the date when the mmpf-gurp-burble-oomph.... Sorry, that moderator button keeps doing the strangest things....

  16. I had to read the blog entry just to see if "Stipping" was a new word. OK, so it's a typo. It sounds like tipping by stripping, but depending on the one stripping, that might be a "pay to put their clothes back on" kind of thing... or not. Tipping while stripping? Tipping for stripping? Ahem, never mind, moving on.-----About work -- sounds like a fun customer and a fun place. If they start gettin' too friendly, bring garlic. Or anchovies. Canned asparagus?-----Should I admit I'd probably avoid the leak in the roof? Does that make me a less daring person? Perhaps I should rethink things. Hahaha. -- Umbrella mosh? Scuba mosh? Is that like a punk rain dance?

  17. Hmm. Surely some strong, enterprising, young guys can be found who'd put in the fence. Digging post holes... OK, I really need to exercise.So... Wibby, I think it was Wookiees who stole your jacuzzi. They didn't notice the extra fur. It wouldn't have been those little hairless dudes with the big, giant heads. ...And didja ever notice, nobody ever wonders about the kinky alien nudists in those stories? I still say it's joyriding alien teens. What all that probing has to do with it, I don't want to think about too closely. That's a heck of a way to do a handshake, no?I should probably wave the "moderator's wand" on myself after that. Eh....

  18. First: Wow. Glad you've got water again, man. But I've been without a running air conditioner before, or woken up to find out the water heater had given up the ghost. Not that, you know, there were ghosts in the water heater to begin with.... Beards. Mine was strong except right near the lines around my chin, until after around 22 or so.Second: Haha. Ecology really is a wide-open field these days.Third: My first job not working for my parents was a two week fill-in for a friend during college. It was a pro job and I showed up the first day in a nice suit. Even though everyone else was in "business professional" clothes, I felt like a kid dressed up in his dad's clothes, incredibly self-conscious. What was strange about it was, I knew I looked OK; I was used to going to church in a suit, so it shouldn't have felt so out of place. I switched back to khakis and a button-down shirt or polo after that.Very cool that you'll get student-teaching practicum again. The kids are in for something special.Fourth: Yikes. Though the Newborn and 21 thing is kinda cool, makes you think. Yeah, that gooey image, though...eek.Last: Awww. Just...awwww. I bet she doesn't know the "no brakes" story! We'll say she recognizes quality. Yeah, but it beats the crud out of not being noticed. -- Hey, I see two possible outcomes: (1) Violins and flowers. Not likely. (2) She starts packing your lunch box and giving you milk money. Not likely either. It could mean free chocolate cake. Of the two, go for the adopted waif thing. Just try to avoid the "poor little match-boy" theme. Everything's better with a dash of weird. Or was that ketchup?

  19. I suppose "Give me Novocaine" by Green Day is too obvious, here.Ah yes, I've been through "dentistry without insurance." Fun, fun.I've never had the urge to sing, during it, but then, I haven't heard that song, either.-----Ghost Mice; Modest Mouse; Cat Power... this could be a theme. ...It's always a bad sign if they throw kitty litter at a marriage or commitment ceremony.Marriage? Commitment Ceremony? -- How about we simplify? Let's just call it "gettin' hitched." See? Much simpler! :D

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